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American Revolution Battles

  • Battle of Lexington and concord

    Battle of Lexington and concord
    The first military engagements of the american revolutionary war. Americans fled from Lexington then British marched to Concord. When they got to Concord, they met resistance and began to search the town for militia's hidden stash of weapons. The Americans had retreated to the outskirts of Concord and observed the British from other side of the North Bridge. As the Americans waited, more and more local militiamen arrived making their forces stronger and stronger.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    In Boston British general Thomas strikes at militiamen who were digging on breeds hill near Bunker Hill. 2,400 troops were sent out and the remanding did a second attack until the very last minute until it hit the third.
  • Battle of New York

    Battle of New York
    The two brother William Howe and admiral Richard Howe joined forces on Staten Island and sailed into the New York harbor. The British expeditionary force assembled 32,000 soldiers and fought for the money. Washington railed 23,00 men and troops to meet New York Defense.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington risked to everything to do a bold trike on Christmas night and face the fierce storm that led to 2,400 men rowing in small boats in the Delaware river. The next morning the men marched nine miles through the snow. The Hessian's were too drunk from the rum before. A surprise attack was planned and the Americans killed 30 and too captive 918.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    General John convinced the London high command to allow him high command to do a scheme. Burgoyne plan was led to lead an army down a route of the lakes of Canada. Burgoyne set out 4,000 redcoats and his army had to containing personal items. American mass troops finally surrendered and this changed Britans war strategy.
  • Fight for Philadelphia

    Fight for Philadelphia
    Genral Howe started his campaign to seixe the American capital. His troops sailed from NY to the head of cheapsakes bay, they landed near the capital in late august. While Washingtons troops tried to block the redcoats at Brandywine Creek the Continential Congres feld the city.
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    Winter of Valley Forge
    The british were controlling parts of NY and New England. The british troops were comfortably in Philly Washintong and the Continental Army were struggling to stay alive the winter camp condtitons. Many of the soliders suffred from frostbite and surgeons would unsuccessfully save limbs.
  • British take the South

    British take the South
    After they were defeated to Saratoga the British hanged their strategy to and shift their operations to the south. At then end of the year they took over
  • British Surrenders at Yorktown

    British Surrenders at Yorktown
    6,000 of the french army landed in New Port after the British left the city to focus on the south. Marquis De Lafayette suggested that the American and French Armies unite to attack the British forces. They soon closed in on Cornwallis and the french defeated a British fleet, blocking the entrance of Chesapeake Bay so they wouldn't get rescued by sea. Cornwallis raised the white flag to then surrender.
  • British loses in 1791

    British loses in 1791
    Washington ordered Nathaniel Greene to march the south and harass Cornwall. Greene divided his group into two, 600 went to command of General Daniel Morgan to south Carolina. The British was left on a grueling chase by Morgan and his men. The British thought that they'd outnumber the Americans so they can flee but the Continental Army fought back and made the redcoats surrender. Cornwallis attacked the Gullis Court house then won the battle. Greene weakened the british.