Concord and Lexington
Concord and Lexington is a battle of the british and english. Were britan went to Lenington to get there weapons but english fought back. Then they tried to attack Concord but they got suprised attacked. -
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Siege of Boston
The siege of boston was a siege/ attack on the boston by the english. It was a long battle. It was a year long -
The battle at Bunker Hill
A long grusmome battle. At Bunker Hill it was between britan slaves and english. It made the desion to make the slaves move to america. -
The Defeat of New York
The secret attack on New York by britan because they wanted there land. It was a grusome war between english and britan. In the end britan won pushing english out of New York -
The battle of Trenton
The battle at Trenton was a battle between the colonys. A very quick battle. But was very bloody and horrific. -
A suprise battle by Trenton. George Washghton did not expect it. so it was a terrible fight. -
Valley Forge Battle
A battle with woman and men. Dieases spreaded across the forest. Also being the traning ground for the soilders -
The Addition to Free African Americans
They have decied to free African americans. For the better. They would later on help america and britan in amazing ways