
American Revelution Timeline

  • John Locke-Born

    John Locke-Born
    He was an English philosopher born in the United Kingdom.
  • Charles Montesquieu-Born

    Charles Montesquieu-Born
    He was born in France and later became one of the most influential philosophers.
  • John Locke-Died

    John Locke-Died
    Even after his death, he left a lasting impact on western ideology.
  • Samuel Adams-Born

    Samuel Adams-Born
    One of the great Founding Fathers of the US is born in Boston.
  • Martha Washingtion-Born

    Martha Washingtion-Born
    The first US first lady is born, she is the wife to the first US president and biggest revolutionary George Washington.
  • George Washington-Born

    George Washington-Born
    The first US presidents and one of the biggest revolutionaries is born.
  • Pual Revere-Born

    Pual Revere-Born
    One of the famous people who helped the revolution is born.
  • John Adams-Born

    John Adams-Born
    The second US president is born in Braintree, MA.
  • Patrick Henry-Born

    Patrick Henry-Born
    One of the great revolutionaries and authors is born.
  • John Hannock-Born

    John Hannock-Born
    The President of the Contentiantal Congress is born.
  • Abigail Adams-Born

    Abigail Adams-Born
    She was the second US first lady and the mother to John Quincy Adams, who later became a president.
  • French and Indian War-Start

    French and Indian War-Start
  • Charles Montesquieu-Died

    Charles Montesquieu-Died
    He perished of fever.
  • Alaxander Hamilton-Born

    Alaxander Hamilton-Born
    One of the Founding Fathers is born.
  • French and Indian War-End

    French and Indian War-End
  • Royal Proclemation of 1763

    Royal Proclemation of 1763
    It was a proclamation issued by King George lll.
  • Boston Massacare

    Boston Massacare
    One of the sparks that lit up the revolution was the Boston Massacre.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    To rebel against the Tea Act the American colonists dumped pounds of tea into the ocean dressed as Native Americans.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    It was the first congress put together to get freedom from the British. It was originally meant for them to ask of the king to give them freedom.
  • "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech

    "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech
    It was a speech that was written by Patrick Henry.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    These were the first two battles of the American Revolution.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    A secondary congress to get freedom for America.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    It was a siege that happened during the American Revolution.
  • Decleration of Independence-Signed

    Decleration of Independence-Signed
    America declares independence from the British.
  • Battle of Saratoga-Start

    Battle of Saratoga-Start
    The start of one of the battles that was a turning point in the revelution.
  • Battle of Saratoga-End

    Battle of Saratoga-End
    The end of the battle that was a turning point in the American Revelution.
  • Battle of Yorktown-Start

    Battle of Yorktown-Start
    This siege was the last battle fought between the Americans and the British, resulting in the Americans gaining freedom.
  • Battle of Yorktown-End

    Battle of Yorktown-End
    The end of the siege that was the last battle fought between the Americans and the British, resulting in the Americans gaining freedom.
  • Articles of Confederation-Ratified

    Articles of Confederation-Ratified
    The document that the 13 colonies signed to work as one.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    It was the treaty signed at the end of the American Revelution. It officially said that the 13 colonies free from the British.
  • US Constitution-Signed

    US Constitution-Signed
    The US Constitution is signed and the new country of US is created.
  • John Hannock-Died

    John Hannock-Died
    He died of natural causes.
  • Patrick Henry-Died

    Patrick Henry-Died
    He died of stomach cancer.
  • George Washington-Died

    George Washington-Died
    He died in the afternoon because of quinsy.
  • Martha Washingtion-Died

    Martha Washingtion-Died
    She died because of a high fever about 3 years after her husband.
  • Samuel Adams-Died

    Samuel Adams-Died
    The famous revolutionary died but left a lasting impact on the US.
  • Alaxander Hamilton-Died

    Alaxander Hamilton-Died
    He tragically died in a duel against a political rival Aaron Burr.
  • Pual Revere-Died

    Pual Revere-Died
    He died at the age of 83 of natural causes.
  • Abigail Adams-Died

    Abigail Adams-Died
    She died of Typhoid fever.
  • John Adams-Died

    John Adams-Died
    He died of congestive heart failure 5 years after his presidency ended.