American revaluation

  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    Who: the stamp act congress
    What: they wrote a response to the stamp act wrote by the British
    When: 1765
    Why: they don’t Believe that they should be taxed by the British
    Where: Boston
  • the intolerable acts

    the intolerable acts
    Who: British parliament
    What: A group of laws that were passed
    When: 1774
    Where: Boston
    Why: to punish the colony of Massachusetts bay for the Boston tea party
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    Who: Continental congress( specifically Thomas Jefferson)
    What: it was a letter to the British government stating that the colonies want to be independent and listed the reasons why they were upset
    Where: Philadelphia
    Why: because the colonies want to have their own government
  • The battle of Saratoga

    Who: British and Americans
    What: colonists defeated Burgoyne‘s British troops
    When: 1777
    Where: Saratoga new York
    Why: because they didn’t want to be ruled by the British anymore
  • The battle of Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktown
    Who: the Americans in French
    What: the Americans in French trapped General Cornwallis‘s army at Yorktown Virginia
    When: 1781
    Where: Yorktown Virginia
    Why: to gain independence from the British
  • The treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris
    Who: Benjamin franklin, John adams and John jay
    What: ended the American revolution
    When: September 3rd 1783
    Where: Paris
    Why: to establish borders for the new nation
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    Who: 2nd Continental congress
    What: set up a central government with a one house legislature
    When: 1787
    Where: Philadelphia
    Why: can you set up a new government to gain more power and freedom
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    Who: James Maddison
    What: the first ten amendments to the constitution
    When: 1791
    Where: New York City
    Why: to guarantee civil rights and liberties to the individuals