American Resolution

  • Starts

    The first shot was fired in Lexington Massachusetts, April 19th 1775
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    17 June: Battle of Bunker Hill The first major battle of the War of Independence.
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    On Christmas day 1776 Washington lad his army.
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    The winter of 1777 a quartar of Washingtons troops died at Valleyforce Pennsylvania
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    1780 16 August: US Defeat at battle of Camden
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    1781, the battle of Yorktown, Virginia, American and French forces
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    1781 1 March: Ratification of the Articles of Confederation
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    5 September: Battle of the Capes, denying British reinforcements or evacuation.
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    1782 5 March: British Government authorizes peace negotiations.
  • End

    The war ended in 1783