American Reconstruction

  • Beginning of Reconstruction

    Beginning of Reconstruction
    The beginning of the era was while Lincoln was still in office. This marked the start of a great time for growth civil rights. This was also the start of many other great ideas
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This amendment abolished slavery. Along with that it abolished all involuntary solitude of any kind. Except as a form of punishment for breaking the law.
  • Andrew Johnson's inaugurated

    Andrew Johnson's inaugurated
    This started the main part of the reconstruction era. During his presidency he allowed southern states to govern themselves. This caused a dark period of time for African Americans.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This held to the fact that all that were born in the united states grants citizenship. This means no discrimination no matter race, color, or previous condition.
  • Andrew Johnson's Impeachment

    Andrew Johnson's Impeachment
    This began of time for the black community to start expressing their newfound rights. This got rid of the oppression of the black laws. It was a great time for the black community.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This amendment addresses citizenship rights. At the same time it also gave equal protection to the laws concerning this. Later it led to the 15th amendment.
  • Grant's Inauguration

    Grant's Inauguration
    This started the radical reconstruction part of the reconstruction. He held a hands off approach to the reconstruction. The only time he put down force was to stop southern oppression.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This is what allowed citizens the rights to vote. No matter race, color, or previous condition. This is when grant put his foot down and applied force against southern forces.
  • End of Recontruction

    End of Recontruction
    This is the end of a long era of hatred and discrimination. But also for growth and amending. It was a great yet terrible time for the black community.