American public school system

  • South Carolina Act of 1740

    South Carolina Act of 1740
    A law that prohibited slaves from learning to read and write.
  • Feminism in Education

    Feminism in Education
    During the 17th and 18th century, schools started allowing girls to go to school. They only got education through primary school though to learn the skills for a good mother.
  • SAT Exam

    SAT Exam
    The SAT is a big event because it is a part of the young people's future in education. Became the standarized test for the United States.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Separate school facilities is unequal for children.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Each state requires a state testing system that meets the federal requirements.
  • NCLB

    No Child Left Behind officially expired. The next reform is expected in 2011. Obama is in the process of making a new reform