Jan 1, 1560
Thomas Harroit is born.
Note: Although it says January 1st, there is no record of the actual day. (This website requires a month and day, unfortunately.) -
Dec 10, 1565
Spanish found St. Augustine, Florida.
Jan 1, 1579
Thomas Mortan is born.
Jan 1, 1580
John Smith is born.
Please note; John Smith was born in January, although the day is unknown. -
A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia is published.
Roanoak found abandoned.
William Bradford is born.
Jamestown is settled.
French found Quebec
Anne Bradstreet is born.
Dutch deliver first slaves to Virginia.
Thomas Harriot dies.
The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles is publsihed
John Smith dies.
Navigation Act is established.
The nation's oldest city park, Boston Common, is established.
Anne Hutchinson arrives in Boston.
Mary Rowlandson is born.
Harvard is founded.
New English Canaan is published.
Anne Hutchinson is banned from Massachutsets.
Great Ponds Act is passed.
Thomas Morton dies.
The Tenth Muse is published.
Samuel Sewall is born.
William Bradford dies.
Cotton Mather is born.
Anne Bradstreet dies.
Dutch take New York from the British
Treaty of Westminster
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration is published.
The Wonders of the Invisible World is published.
The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial is published.
Yale is founded in Connecticut.
Magnalia Christi Americana is published.
Jonathan Edwards is born
Benjamin Franklin is born.
Mary Rowlandson dies.
Please note: actual death date is in January, although the day is unknown. -
Queen Anne's War ends with Treaty of Utrecht.
Pontiac is born.
Samson Occom is born.
Cotton Mather dies
Samuel Sewall dies.
First public library is founded in Philidelphia.
John Adams is born.
Crevecoeur is born.
Thomas Paine is born.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is publsihed.
Thomas Jefferson is born.
Abigail Adams is born.
Iron Act is passed.
Judith Sargent Murray is born.
Currency Act is passed.
Phillis Wheatley is born.
Red Jacket is born.
Hannah Webster Foster is born.
Jonathan Edwards dies.
Treaty of Paris
Speech at Detroit is given.
Stamp Act
A Short Narrative of My Life by Samson Occom is published.
Pontiac dies.
On Being Brought from Africa to America is published
Boston Tea Party
Common Sense is published
The Crisis is published. (Common Sense)
Declaration of Independance is signed.
First Submarine Attack
Boston Massacre
British evvacuate Philidelphia.
Letters from an American Farmer is published
Washington Irving is born
Phillis Wheatley dies.
Ben Franklin invents bifocals.
Notes on the State of Virginia is published.
First icecream commercially made in NYC
Constitution ratified.
On Equality of the Sexes is published.
Benjamin Franklin dies.
Samson Occum dies
Period: to
John and Abigail Adams Letters are published.
Fugitive Slave Act
The Coquette is published.
Alien and Sedition Act
Volta invents electric battery
Ralph Waldo Emerson is born
Louisiana Purchase
Dalton revises table of elements.
Ralph Waldo Emerson is born.
Nathanial Hawthorne is born.
Period: to
Lewis & Clark Expedition
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is born.
John Greenleaf Whittier is born.
Sir Humphrey Davide discovers potassium and sodium.
Congress prohibits importing of slaves
Beethoven composes Fifth Symphony.
Thomas Paine dies.
Edgar Allen Poe is born.
First sailboat to sail from Mississippi reaches New Orleans
Fanny Fern is born.
Harriet Jacobs is born.
Crevecoeur dies.
William Wells Brown is born.
Treaty of Ghent
Construction on Eerie Canal begins.
Henry David Thoreau is born.
Henry Thoraeu is born.
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is published.
Abigail Adams dies.
Frederick Douglass is born.
Henry Melville is born.
Rip Van Winkle is published.
Judith Sargent Murray dies.
Legend of Sleepy Hollow is published.
Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic radiation.
John Adams dies.
Abigail Adams is born.
Thomas Jefferson dies.
The Autobiography by Thomas Jefferson is published.
Emily Dickinson is born.
Hunters of Men is published
Young goodman Brown is published.
May Pole of Marrymount is published.
Nature is published.
Cherokee "Trail of Tears"
Fall of the House of Usher is published.
Daguerre invents first form of photography.
Hannah Webster Foster dies.
Speech to the U.S. Senate by Red Jacket is published.
Self-Reliance is published
The Slave Singing at Midnight is published
Narrative of the Life is published
Sir James Simpson uses chloroform for childbirth.
Period: to
California Gold Rush
Edgar Allen Poe dies.
Resistance to Civil Government is published.
Ichabod! is published.
Singer patents sewing machine.
4th of July is published. (Frederick Douglass)
Life and Escape of Willam Wells Brown is published.
Clotel is published.
Walden is published.
Smith and Wesson invent revolver.
Song of Myself is published.
Of Plymouth Plantation is published.
Washington Irving DIES.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is published.
Foucault measures speed of light.
Henry Dave Thoreau dies.
Henry Thoreau dies.
Emancipation Proclamation
Nathanial Hawthorne dies.
Drum-Taps is published.
Abraham Lincoln is assasinated.
Suez Canal opens.
Fanny Fern dies.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow dies.
Ralph Waldo Emerson dies
Raplh Waldo Emerson dies.
William Wells Brown dies.
Emily Dickinson dies.
John Greenleaf Whittier dies.
Henry Melville dies.
Frederick Douglass dies.
Harriet Jacobs dies.