New York Jorneymen Tailors Revolt
Formation of the Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers
Commonwealth v. Hunt decision frees unions from prosecution
National Labor Union founded
Knight of Labor founded
National uprising of railroad workers
Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions formed
First Labor Day Parade
Formation of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Women’s Trade Union League formed
Industrial Workers of the World founded
Bill creating Department of Labor passes
One of every five workers walked out in great strike wave, including national clothing coal and steel strikes; a general strike in Seattle; and a police strike in Boston
Great Depression begins
Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) formed
Largest strike wave in U.S. history
AFL and CIO merge
President John Kennedy's order gives federal workers the right to bargain
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists formed
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists formed
Coalition of Labor Union Women founded
Coalition of Labor Union Women founded
The U.S. House of Representatives passes the Employee Free Choice Act