Magna Carta
- Created By British Barons
- Forced King to realize he had limited power
Jamestown Founded
- First Succsesful colony in the new world
- Saved by John Smith
- Under Charter from Virginia Company
Virginia House of burgesses
- First representative legislature in the English colonies
- Served as a model for other colonies
Mayflower Compact
- 41 men sign a social contract
- Says that they will make just and equal laws
- Brought an element of Self-Government
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Written
- Men from 3 different towns made laws
- Talked about how town is ruled
- First written Constitution in Colonies
Navigation Acts
- Limited Trade in the Colonies
- Allowed Mercantalism from England
English Bill of Rights
- Rules from parliament allowed trial by jury
- Outlawed cruel & unusual punishment
Zenger Trial
- Zenger put in jail for speaking against governor
- Gave the right to free speech
Period: to
French & Indian War
- French & Indians fight against colonists
- Fight for Ohio River Area
- French lose all land in North America, beside Puerto Rico
Treaty of Paris
- Declares the giving up of France in North America
- Land East of Mississippi goes to Britain
Proclamation Line
10- Established to keep colonists from War with Native Americans
- Indians were happy for the British leaving their land -
Sugar Act
- All shipped goods are taxed
- Used to pay debt of Indian War
Stamp Act
- All official documents need a stamp
- Stamp Certifies document
- Money people pay on stamps is used to pay debt
Quartering Act
- Colonist were forced to house soldiers
- Was during time of peace
Townshend Act
- Suspended New York Assembly
- Placed Tarrifs on Glass, Paper, Lead, and Tea
Boston Massacre
- Mass M5assacre is just Propaganda
- Five killed after Colonists shout insults at British soldiers
- Colonists started this fight.
Tea Act
- Tea is taxed
- Townshend Acts repealed
Boston Tea Party
- Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea
- In response to Tea Act
1st Continental Congress
- Banned ALL trade with England
- Repealed Coercive Acts
Coercive Acts
- Britain’s reaction of Boston Tea Party
- Bans Comm. Of Cor. & closed Boston ports
Battle of Lexington & Concord
- First battle of the American Revolution
- British try to seize John & Sam Adams
2nd Continental Congress
- Continental Army Founded
- Draft Olive Branch
- Washington Appointed as leader for Cont. Army
Battle of Bunker Hill
- Americans fight British on Bunker
- British seize Bunker Hill with high casualties
Common Sense Published
- Thomas Paine Questionarre
- Makes people doublethink power
Declaration Of Independence
- Grievance to England
- Shows America wants Independence
- 8,000 English troops captured
- Spain & France join America in fight for Independence
Period: to
Valley Forge
- Washington faces hard winter
- Continental Army is short on food & supplies
Articles of Confederation
- Created a constitution
- Guide for structure of Government
- Last Battle in American Revolution
Treaty of Paris
- End of War
- Independence treaty with mom