American Imperialism Timeline

  • The Purchase of Alaska

    The Purchase of Alaska
    Congress purchased Alaska from Russia for a price of $7.2 million. This purchase expanded the United States in its territory and increased America as a whole.
  • Period: to

    American Imperialism Timeline

  • Blaine and the Pan-American Conference

    Blaine and the Pan-American Conference
    This event sparked the beginning of closer ties between the United States and its southern neighbors. Set the foundation for cooperation on both economic and political issues.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    Perhaps what us believed to be one of the most historic forms of American imperialism at its finest. This war was a quick and decisive victory for the United States over the Spanish and granted the United States the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba. This allowed for the expansion of United States supremacy over the world and furthered the expansion of America across the globe.
  • The Platt Amendment

    The Platt Amendment
    This amendment helped guarantee cooperation and loyalty from Cuba to the United States. This amendment declared that Cuba was to never sign a treaty with a foreign power that impaired its independence and that the United States had the right to intervene in Cuban affairs in order to preserve its independence. This helped in U.S. expansion because it secured peace and control over Cuba.
  • The Root-Takahira Agreement

    This agreement between the United States and Japan helped settle peace relations between the two countries. As both were new imperialist powers, there was a growing competitive tension between the two powers. However, with the help of Secretary of State Elihu Root and Japanese Ambassador Takahira, the countries settled peace and pledged their support for the Open Door Policy in China. This allowed the countries to continue to expand, at least for the time being, without serious conflict.
  • William Howard Taft and Dollar Diplomacy

    This foreign policy was mildly expansionist; however, this policy promoted U.S. trade by supporting American enterprises abroad. This act was crucial because it allowed for an increase and surplus of trade for the United States beyond its borders and helped the country expand economically.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal allowed for the connection of Central America to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This allowed for an easier route for trade between the United States and far-flung islands. However, the building of this canal was more for effect and proved that the United States was taking its spot as the worlds greatest country in its expansion across the world.