Philippine Insurrection
The US goes after the phillipines gain there independence from spain and stablished US colonies. In the prosses 250,000 are killed and the US takes control of the phillipines. This is an example of american imperalisim is the American desire to establish overseas colonies and the perception that Filipinos could not rule themselves -
Hay-Buanau-Varilla Treaty
An agreement between the United States and Panama granting exclusive canal rights to the United States across the Isthmus of Panama in exchange for money. This is an example of US imperalisim because the unitied staes exchange money for the canal. -
Roosevelt Corollary
If europe was to attack latin american usa was to intervene and make sure that all contries in the western hemisphire were under their protection from eruping contries. This is an example because the US uses its power to protect the western hemesphire. -
US occupation of the Dominican Republic (1905)
In 1905, the United States government took over the administration of the country’s. It was through this act that the United States laid the ground work for turning the Dominican Republic into a neocolony. It show american imperilism because the took over the administration. -
Cuban Intervention (1906)
the United States assumed military control of Cuba under the Platt Amendment. This is an example of imperalism because the US military tokk over cuba -
The Great White Fleet
They use 16 battle ships to travel all around the world to show the power they have. This is an example of imperalism the US shows to go to war they wenren't stoppedable. -
Panama Canal (completion of the canal)
President Roosevelt responded by dispatching U.S. warships to Panama City and Colón in support of Panamanian independence. this is an axeample of imperalism because the US bouild the pananma canal and took over panama.