American Imperialism Project Based Learning Activity

  • cuba

    The US is recommended to buy Cuba
  • Alaska

    William steward aranges for Alaska to be bought
  • Midway

    Us takes control of midway
  • Period: to

    rebels in cuba

    Cuba attempts a rebellion
  • Period: to


    US leaders want to become an empire
  • Period: to

    steel battle ships

    9 steel-hulled ships are made
  • slavery

    Cuba abolishes slavery and the US begins investing in cuba
  • Pearl harbor

    Pearl harbor is built
  • sugar

    Hawaii gets sugar imports duty free
  • Queen Liliuokalani

    Queen Liliuokalani realized that
    her reign in Hawaii has ended
  • Jose Marti

    he attempts to lead a rebellion against Spain
  • spain's response

    Spain send 30000 Cubans to camp in which thousands die because of starvation and diseases
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii joined the United States as a territory and Sanford B Dole heads new government
  • US declares war

    The USS Maine explodes
    papers blame the Spanish and the US declares war
  • The rough riders

    The rough rider take San Juan hill and help secure a victory for the US
  • cuba

    Cuba gains full independence
  • Treaty of paris

    US got Cuba Guam Puerto Rico and the Philippines for 20 million dollars
  • Open door note

    John Hays opens up circles of influence to outside trade
  • Foraker act

    ended military rule
  • boxer rebellion

    boxer rebellion
  • Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes a world leader
  • Panama independence

    Panama gets independence and then the US begins to build the canal
  • Peace talks

    Theodore Roosevelt mediate peace talks between Japan and Russia
  • roosevelt

    Speak softly and carry a big stick
  • open door notes

    the open door notes increases American influence and trade
  • DEpt

    Nicaragua is in dept and the US intervenes to make sure the dept is paid
  • Munoz Rivera

    Munoz Rivera speaks to the house of representatives

    Villa a wanted criminal and killed 17 people and then the US chases him into mexico
  • 1917

    gave Puerto Ricans
  • Philippines have independence

    Philipines gain independence