American Imperialism

  • Period: to

    American Imperialism

  • US purchases Alaska from Russia

    US Secretary of State William Seward purchased Alaska from Russia For $7.2 Million
  • U.S.S. Maine

    U.S.S. Maine was a United States Navy ship that sank in Havana Harbor in February 1898 because it was involved in the outbreak of the Spanish American War in April 21, 1898.
  • Publication of the De Lome Letter

    The New York Journalist published a letter by Enrique Dupuy De Lome who was the Spanish Minister to the United States. The letter offended President Mckinley by saying he was weak.
  • Spanish American War

    The Spanish-American War started as a conflict between the United States and Spain. That ended Spanish colonial rule in America and resulted in U.S. obtaining western Pacific and Latin America territories.
  • Battle of Kettle Hill

    The Battle of Kettle Hill involved the American forces that were lead by William Rufus Shafter and Joseph Wheeler against the Spanish forces led by Arsenio Linares y Pombo
  • US Annexes Hawaii

    The Hawaiian islands were formally Taken Over by the United States and were used in the Spanish American War.
  • Platt Amendment

    The Platt Amendment limited Cuba's treaties with other nations and it also outlined the role of the United States in Cuba and the Caribbean.
  • Hay–Herring Treaty

    The Hay–Herring Treaty involved the United States Secretary of State John M. Hay of the United States and Tomás Herrán of Colombia. It was providing the U.S. control of the prospective Panama Canal and for U.S. acquisition of the canal zone.
  • Panama Canal is completed

    The Panama Canal was the most expensive construction project in U.S. history. It was more than $350 million.
  • Battle of Manila

    The Battle of Manila location was in the Manila which is the capital city of the Philippines. The battle was between the United States and the Philippines going against Japanese troops.
  • Alaska becomes a state

    President Eisenhower signs a special proclamation admitting the territory of Alaska into a Union and is a U.S. state.
  • Hawaii became a state

    Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean and Hawaii is a state in the United States of America.