Seward's Folly
America buying Alaska -
McKinley Tariff
Tariff Against sugar, gave sugar producers 2 cents per pound -
Spanish American War
Internal Explosion of the USS Maine started this war. -
US Congress Votes to Go to War With Spain
The congress chose to go to war with Spain -
Battle for San Juan Hill
It was a decisive battle in the Spanish American War. -
Teller Amendment
The US will not have control over Cuba. -
Annexation of Hawaii
Hawaii overthrown by a party of businessmen -
Annexation of the Philippines
The Treaty of Paris ended the four-month war between Spain and the USand the Philippines became US Territory -
Open Door Note
US proposed to everyone about the foreign affairs of China. -
The Boxer Rebellion
Movement was an anti imperialist, anti foreign, and anti christian -
Drago Doctrine
European powers to use armed intervention to force American republics to pay public debts. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Panama Canal Zone and the construction of the Panama CanaL -
Roosevelt Corollary
US would intervene in any social affairs in the Western Hemisphere -
Dollar Diplomacy
American Affairs that influence the economy and not the military -
The Great White Fleet
completed a journey around the globe and this date was they day they were deployed