Use of Monroe Doctrine (pg 412)
A border dispute between Guiana and Venezuela leads to the US using the Monroe Doctrine to state that they would back up their southern allies -
McKinley's War Message(pg 413)
In response to the sinking of the US Maine, president McKinley issues a message on behalf of the rebels in Cuba. -
Teller Amendment, and Invasion of Cuba (pg 414)
Congress authorizes war with Cuba, and the US invades Cuba, leading to Spain's withdrawal from Cuba -
Annexation of Hawaii (pg 415)
After the overthrowing of the Hawaiian monarchy, president Cleveland opposes the annexation, but it eventually happens, which leads to the territory becoming a state. -
Building the Panama Canal (pg 418)
As a part of American imperialism, we sought a way to navigate from the Pacific directly to the Atlantic -
Gentleman's Agreement (pg 419)
As a part of diminishing the friction between Japanese and American citizens in California, Roosevelt and the japanese Gov't agree to equally repeal discrimination and decrease immigration -
Great White Fleet (pg 419)
In an attempt to show American power, a fleet of ships was sent around the world, and welcomed with open arms in Japan.