American Imperialism

  • Use of Monroe Doctrine (pg 412)

    Use of Monroe Doctrine (pg 412)
    A border dispute between Guiana and Venezuela leads to the US using the Monroe Doctrine to state that they would back up their southern allies
  • McKinley's War Message(pg 413)

    McKinley's War Message(pg 413)
    In response to the sinking of the US Maine, president McKinley issues a message on behalf of the rebels in Cuba.
  • Teller Amendment, and Invasion of Cuba (pg 414)

    Congress authorizes war with Cuba, and the US invades Cuba, leading to Spain's withdrawal from Cuba
  • Annexation of Hawaii (pg 415)

    Annexation of Hawaii (pg 415)
    After the overthrowing of the Hawaiian monarchy, president Cleveland opposes the annexation, but it eventually happens, which leads to the territory becoming a state.
  • Building the Panama Canal (pg 418)

    Building the Panama Canal (pg 418)
    As a part of American imperialism, we sought a way to navigate from the Pacific directly to the Atlantic
  • Gentleman's Agreement (pg 419)

    As a part of diminishing the friction between Japanese and American citizens in California, Roosevelt and the japanese Gov't agree to equally repeal discrimination and decrease immigration
  • Great White Fleet (pg 419)

    Great White Fleet (pg 419)
    In an attempt to show American power, a fleet of ships was sent around the world, and welcomed with open arms in Japan.