American imperialism

  • Period: to

    American imperialism

  • Publication of the de dome letter

    It was written by the Spanish Ambassador to the US which criticized the US President William McKinley by calling him weak.
  • USS Maine sinks

    In the Havana harbour the USS Maine was entering in, all of a sudden it blew up. It was said a mine blew it up.
  • Spanish American war

    The US went to war with the Spaniards because of the sudden explosion that happened with the U.S.S Maine.
  • Battle of Kettle hill

    It was a War between American and Spanish armies. William Shafter was in command and Joseph wheeler while Arsenio Linares and Pombo led Spanish armies.
  • US Annexation of hawaii

    After the Victory of the Americans in the Spanish American war ,basically president William McKinley wanted Hawaii as part of the U.S since he defeated the Spaniards.
  • Platt Amendment

    It limited Cuba's right to make treaties with other nations and restricting Cuba in the conduct of Commercial relations and foreign policy
  • Hay Harran Treaty

    It was an agreement between The United States and Panama Granting exclusive canal rights.
  • Battle of Manila

    It was fought by forces from both The United States and the Philippines against Japanese troops in Manila during the second world war.
  • Alaska becomes a state

    President Eisenhower signs a special public writing stating that Alaska will be the 49th and largest state.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii was made a territory in 1900, and dole became the first Governor.