American Imperialism

  • Period: to

    American Imperialism

  • U.S Purchases Alaska from Russia

    US Secretary of State William Steward purchased Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million
  • The USS Maine was sunk

    An explosion sunk the battleship in Havana
  • Spanish American War

    The U.S and Spain
  • Battle of Kettle Hill

    The United State forces defeated greatly outnumbered Spanish forces at San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill near the Spanish stronghold of Santiago de Cuba
  • Platt Amendment

    It outlined the role of the United States in Cuba and the Caribbean
  • The Hay-Harran Treaty

    agreement between the United States and Colombia providing control for U.S of the prospective Panama
  • The Panama Canal was finished

    complete cost of the canal was more than $350 million
  • Battle of Manilla

    battle of the Philippine campaign