Seward's Folly
America buying Alaska from the Russians -
McKinley Tariff
President William McKinley sets a tax on all foreign goods. -
US Congress Votes to Go to War With Spain
Congress votes to go to war with Spain and adopts a joint resolution for the war. -
Teller Amendment
Claimed that the US would not establish permanent control over Cuba. -
Annexation of Hawaii
Hawaii overthrown by party of businessmen -
Open Door Note
US proposed to everyone about the foreign affairs of China. -
Annexation of Philippines
US gained territory from Philippines after they helped rebels fight and gain their freedom from Spain -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Establish the Panama Canal Zone and the construction of the Panama Canal -
The Great White Fleet
concerned by Japan’s growing power, Roosevelt decided to remind the Japanese of US military might. In late 1907 he sent a fleet of four destroyers and 16 battleships, painted a dazzling white, on a 46,000-mile world cruise that included a stop in the Japanese port of Yokohama -
Dollar Diplomacy
President William Howard Taft’s policy of influencing Latin American affairs through economic influence rather than military force.