American Immigration History Warrick

  • Date: 60s and 70s:

    The cold war escaping was not the only thing that was affecting immigration. The president has given preferences to doctors, nurses, and scientists. Up until this day the government still does.
  • Date:1962

    Cuban refugees also told pretty similar stories about coming to America.
  • Date: 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965

    A ton of Asian people immigrated because of the Southeast war in Asia that was going on. And because of that, Asian Immigration more than quadrupled in 5 years.
  • 80s and 90s

    Immigrants can enter the country by air, by sea, and by land routes through Canada and Mexico, making it easier than ever to enter the country illegally.
  • 1990s

    Still, immigration rates through the 1990s went up, leaving today's people with unanswered questions: Does America have a duty to keep its doors open to the world? Can immigrants keep their own culture and language, and still be called Americans?