American Immigration History Green

By RainaE
  • Cuban Refugees

    Cuban refugees began coming in to America. They were sent telegrams from America saying that they were allowed to travel to America and become a part of civilization.
  • Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965

    The effects of this Act was very big. It quadrupled the Asian immigrants in America in 5 years. This magnified even more during the Southeast war in Asia.
  • Cold War Immigrants

    Because of the Cold War immigrants began arriving more and more, but that wasn't the only reason they came. People also came to America for work so they could send money to their families for them to come over to America. The government gave preferences to doctors, nurses, scientists, and hi-tech scientists creating something called the "Brain Drain".
  • California Immigrants

    California has been having many Immigrants come in from mostly Asia but also Mexico, Philippines, and Central America. Their influence is felt from the Imperial Valley to Silicon Valley.
  • 80s and 90s

    During the 80s and 90s it was really to enter the country illegally by air, land, or sea. For some time illegal immigration was a very big political topic. Finally, the government created a act called the
    Immigration Reform Act. They granted a political pardon to 3 million immigrants. In the 90s people started getting upset with all the immigrants in their land.