American History Timeline- SNM

By smarvin
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Jamestown was discovered by Virginia Company of London, a group of investors that wanted to earn profits from the voyage. In December, the Susan Constant brought over 105 people that founded Jamestown in late April of 1607. It was the first permanent english settlement in America.
  • House of Burgesses

    Governemer George Yeardley arrived in Jamestown in 1619 and established a legislative assembley, the House of Burgesses.
  • Founding of Plymouth Colony and Mayflower Compact

    Separatists, immigrants, adventurers, and speculators set out on the Mayflower to try and create a settlement near Jamestownin 1620, but ended up near Plymouth rock instead. They ended up settling there and created the Mayflower Compact in order to govrn based on majority rule.
  • Founding of Massachussets Bay

    The Massachusetts Bay Company settled in salem, consisting of puritans led by John Winthrop. They had left england in search for religous freedom, it led the biggest migration of the century by over 1,000 colonists.
  • Pequot War

    The Pequot War was an armed battle between the Pequot tribe, and their allies against the alligance of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth and Saybrook. The result was the deaths of about 700 Pequots.
  • Period: to

    King Philip’s War

    King Phillip led raids against the Pillgrims in 1675, which led to their retaliation. The ward ended in 1676 with the beheading and spiking of Metacomet.
  • Bacon’s Rebellion

    Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising in Jamestown in 1676, led by Nathaniel Bacon. Many people led by Nathaniel rose against Governer William Berkley, it ended with the burning of Jamestown.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    In Salem Village in June of 1692-September 1692, 19 men and women were accused of witchcraft and were sent to Gallows Hill. Hundreds were accused of witchcraft, yet as soon as it begun, it ended.
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    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war was a ballte between the Indians (who allied with the French) and the Colonists (who allied with the British.) The battle was over territory, and the Colonists won.
  • Quatering Act

    The Quatering Act of 1765 made sure that British soldiers had food and shelter, and made it to where they would stay at civilians houses, without paying them.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was a direct taxed imposed by the british, it required that printed matierals were made on stamped paper from London. It had to be paid in British currency, and not in Colonial paper money, colonists saw it as a violation of civil rights.
  • Boston Massacre

    A street fight broke out in Boston between British Soldiers and a "patriot" mob. The mob was throwing sticks, stones and snowballs at the British Soldiers, therefore leading to a Soldier firing in self defense. This led to conflict and spurred the American Revolution.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The British imposed taxes on tea and stamped paper, as well as Lodged British soldiers on civilians houses, this enraged the Colonists and was the final spark to the American Revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a political protest against the British because of the tax policy of the British Government and East India Company that controlled all tea imported to the Colonists. The Sons of Liberty held the protest, this led to the Intolerable Acts imposed by the British Government.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act required that the Colonist pay a tax on tea imported from the East India Company, they were only allowed the buy that and British tea. This infuriated Colonists, though it was actually cheap and was discounded even with the taxes.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord was the first major battle in the American Revolution. This is where the "shot heard round the world" was fired, and started the war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was written and signed by some of the most influencial people, such as Thomas Jefferson, Samual Adams, John Adams, etc. It was a document stating how the government would run and how America would continue.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Many protesters (mainly old veterans) held a rebellion against government due to unofficial money. They were betrayed and basically led into a trap, because the place they went to protest at was warned beforehand.
  • Constitutional Convention

    55 delegates from every state met to frame the Constitution for the federal republic.
  • Judiciary Act 1789

    Judiciary Act 1789
    First session of the First United States Congress establishing the U.S. federal judiciary.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest. Farmers who used their leftover grain as a form of Whiskey as exchange were forced to pay a tax. The farmers who resisted(many were warveterans) were fighting for the very same principles used in the American Revolution.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Four bills passed in 1798 by the Federalists in the 5th United States Congress. The acts were meant to guard against threat of anarchy.
  • Revolution of 1800

    This was the election of Thomas Jefferson. He had initially gathered many small farmers, shopkeepers and other workers; they asserted themselves in the election of 1800.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Was a Supreme Court case. This case resulted from a small petition by William Marbury who had been appointed by John Adams as Justice of the peace. Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court to force the new Secretary of State James Madison to deliver the documents.Madison's refusal to deliver the commission was both illegal and remediable.Eventually the petition was denied.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    America bought the Louisiana territory from france with $11,250,000 and cancelled Frances debts of $3,750,000.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    The embargo was caused because of violations of U.S. neutrality. American merchantmen and their cargo had been seized as contraband of war by European navies.
  • War of 1812

    The U.S declared war because Britan had imposed trade restrictions due to their war with France. Britan had also imprisoned American merchant sailors.
  • Election of 1816

    This election came at the end of the two-term presidency of James Madison. James Monroe had an advantage over the Federalist Party. He won the electoral college 183 to 34.
  • Election of 1824

    John Quincy Adams was elected President after the election was decided by the House of Representatives. The Federalist party had dissolved leaving only a Democratic-Republican party.
  • Election of 1828

    There was a "Re-match" between Quincy and Andrew Jackson for president. Jackson and his chief ally Martin Van Buren easily defeated Adams in this election.
  • Indian Removal Act 1830

    Andrew Jackson ordered an act to enable himself to negotiate with the Native- Americans for their removal. This act moved them to federal lands so that the governmnet could possess their land and claim it as their own.
  • Nullification Crisis 1832

    This ordinance declared by the power of the State that the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas gained its independance from Mexico and created it's own declaration of independance. It was it's own country for a while and then later joined America.
  • Second Great Awakening

    A protestant movement during the early 19th century in America. It took on millions of new members in already present evangelical denominations and led to the formation of new denominations.
  • Mexican-American War

    The Mexican-American War was to determine the ownership of 7 states. America won and gained the land, tis led to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    This Treaty Granted America Rights to ownership of the Rio Grande boundary for Texas, and gave the U.S. ownership of California, and a large area comprising New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. It ended the Mexican-American War.
  • Dawes Act

    An act that authorizes the President of America to survey Native American tribal land and divide it for individual Native Americans.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    It was the last battle of the American Indian Wars. A scuffle over Black Coyote's rifle escalated and a shot was fired which resulted in the 7th Cavalry's opening fire indiscriminately from all sides, killing men, women, and children, as well as some of their own fellow troopers.
  • Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War was a conflict between Spain and America. It was a result of the Cuban War of independance.
  • Founding of the NAACP

    Was a response to the continuous horrible lynchings that occured. It's an African American rights orginization in the United States.
  • Red Summer

    Race riots that occured in the summer of 1919. In this case, whites would attack Black Americans, many fatalities occured.
  • First Red Scare

    Widespread fear of Anarchism and Bolshevism. Concerns spread in the American Labor movement fueled paranoia over the issues.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Cultural movement that spanned from the 1920's to 1930's. At the time it was known as the "New Negro Movement". It was centered in the Harlem neighborhood in New York.
  • Election of 1932

    Took place during the great depression, the depression had ruined the promises of President Herbert Hoover to bring about a new era of prosperity.
  • New Deal

    A proposed idea by FDR that would plunge us into deeper debt but then dig us back out. He created plans that were beneficial to all and ended the Great Depression.
  • Attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    "The worst terror attack in history", this terror attack was preformed by the U.S. using atomic bombs that destroyed many Japanese cities.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine was a foreign polociy to help aid Greece and Turkey, financialy and provided military aid to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Creation of NATO 1949

    The alignment of almost every European nation formalized the political division of the European continent that had taken place since World War II. NATO was created to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Fall of China to Communism

    Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China.
  • Korean War

    Was a war between the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.It was in result of political divisionby an agreement of victorious allies.
  • Election of 1952

    The Cold War tensions were escalating, Eisenhower won the election and was the oldest president at age 62, since James Buchanan in 1856.