Sons of Liberty
- Who - Samuel Adams, Henry Bass, John Smith, Thomas Chase, and four other men
- What - Men who rebelled against many Acts that the British
- When - August 1765
- Where - Boston Massachusetts
- Why - There were nine original men who disagreed on how the British were oppressing the colonists
- How - The Sons of Liberty rebelled against the British and ending intolerable acts.
Boston Massacre
- Who - American Revolutionaries and Redcoats
- What - American Revolutionaries provoked the British soldiers into shooting at them
- When - March 5th, 1770
- Where - Boston, MA
- Why - The British were overruling the colonists
- How - A massacre of 5 deaths occurred and 8 soldiers were tried for murder. They were pleaded not guilty.
Boston Tea Party
- Who - Sons of Liberty and British navy
- What - Sons of liberty spill the British' tea
- When - December 16, 1773
- Where - Boston, MA
- Why - Because the American Revolutionaries wanted to make a point of no more ridiculous taxation.
- How - Without the Boston tea party, the colonists would still have to pay high taxes and put up with the British and their tea.
Continental Congress Forms
- Who - Twelve states against British Parlement
- What - Continental Congress forms
- When - September 5, 1774
- Where - Philidelphia, PA
- Why - Continental congress fought for America to be won against the British for our freedoms.
- How - We would've had a lesser chance of freedom without the continetal congress
Declaration of Independence
- Who - 56 signers and committee of 5 (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman)
- What - The signing of the Declaration of Independence
- When - July 4, 1776
- Where - Philidelphia, PA
- Why - The Declaration of Independence claimed our freedom from England, this is our country's pride.
- How - We broke away from England, claiming out freedom.
The Flag
- Who - Betsy Ross and 2nd continetal congress
- What - Betsy Ross created our national flag
- When - June 17, 1777
- Where - Pennsylvania
- Why - Our symbol of pride was made
- How - We made the flag our national symbol of pride
Treaty of Paris
- Who - Paris and American colonists
- What - Paris signing a treaty to end the American revolution
- When - September 3, 1783
- Where - Paris, France
- Why - This freed the Americans from British bonds
- How - The treaty ended the war between England and the colonists, gaining our rights and ending the English reign on our ends.
Shays Rebellion
- Who - Daniel Shay and the Supreme court
- What - Daniel Shay and 1,200 men attacked the supreme court because of high taxation
- When - August 31 to February 4
- Where - Massachusetts
- Why - This led to the movement of the constitutional convention
- How - People demanded a stronger central government after going through a rough economic situation
First President
- Who - George Washington
- What - George Washington inaugurated as the first president of America
- When - April 30, 1789
- Where - New York City, New York
- Why - America's first president is the man who fought for our independence
- How - Washington's inauguration is important because by electing him as president, out government got stronger.
Louisiana Purchase
- Who - France and America
- What - America purchases the Louisiana territory
- When - 1803
- Where - Louisiana territory
- Why - This was a complex time in history, France, Spain, Britain, and some other countries were in a war, and America was trying to help, but also purchase more land
- How - America wouldn't have expanded and had been as big without the purchase
War of 1812
- Who - Identify major people involved.
- What - Name and description of event.
- When - Date(s) of event.
- Where - Location of event.
- Why - Why did you choose this event?
- How - Explain how its important.
White House Burning
- Who - Protesters and the Madisons
- What - The white house was burnt down by protesters.
- When - August 24, 1814
- Where - Washington D.C
- Why - If the protesters didn't burn down the white house, there wouldn't be a need to build a new one.
- How - The President's resident was burned down and one thing that was saved was Washington's portrait
National Anthem
- Who - Francis Scott Key
- What - Francis watched U.S Soldiers raise a large flag over Fort. McHenry.
- When - September 13, 1814
- Where - Baltimore, Maryland
- Why - The Star Spangled Banner is our countries anthem when it's played we stand and pay respect to those who fought for our freedom.
- How - The national anthem, along with our flag, is a symbol of our freedom and pride.
Gold Rush
- Who - James Wilson Marshall, Californians, foreign people
- What - Tons of gold was found
- When - January 24, 1848
- Where - Sacremento, California
- Why - People all over the country and even in others were coming to mine for gold.
- How - People got very greedy over time for valuable gold. California also decided to join in the Union,preventing slaves in their state.
Homestead Act
- Who - Identify major people involved.
- What - Public land was given to small farmers
- When - May 20, 1862
- Where - Missouri
- Why - The homestead act allowed free slaves into the western territory.
- How - People were able to get land cheaper on the western side, expanding and also gaining more money.
Emancipation Proclamation
- Who - President Lincoln, Willliam Seward, Salmon P. Chase
- What - President Lincoln transformed the fight to preserve the nation into a war for human freedom.
- When - January 1, 1863
- Where - Antietam, MD
- Why - The Emancipation Proclamation was the start for slave abolishment.
- How - People recognized slaves to actually be humans and not some way of showing wealth or property.
Chivington Massacre
- Who - Colonel John Chivington
- What - Colonel John Chivington had a group of people slaughter the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians.
- When - November 29, 1864
- Where - Sand Creek, Colorado
- Why - Innocent Indians were being killed for their land. Recognizing massacres that happened over one hundred years ago is important.
- The government wanted more land and have people settle west where the Indians were. They had some tribes put into reservations and actually slaughtered some.
13th Amendment
- Who - Congress
- What - The amendment was passed to the house of the Senate to approve of freedoms for all men.
- When - April 8, 1864
- Where - Washington, D.C
- Why - Every man became free in America, slaves became known as people.
- How - This became a civil law, slavery was officially abolished.
Lincoln Assassinated
- Who - Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth (And other conspiracists)
- What - Lincoln dies the morning after he gets shot in Ford's theatre
- When - April 24, 1865
- Where - Petersen House, Washington D.C
- Why - This was a shock wave to many Americans, especially since the Civil war was just signed off.
- How - After America was free and reunited, the man who saved our country was shot.
14th Amendment
- Who - Congress, the House-Senate
- What - The 14th amendment gives the aspects of the rights Americans have.
- When - July 9, 1868
- Where - Washington, D.C.
- Why - This amendment shows that is they are naturalized from the U.S, they will not be treated differently or given limited freedoms.
- How - This shows that U.S citizen is limited freedoms or