american history timeline

By marie11
  • Railroads

    The growth and consoidation of railroads benefited the nation but also led to corruption and required government regulation.
  • The America's

    native americans, west african, and europeans people lived in complex societies.
  • Women Fight For Equality

    through protests and marches, women confronted social and economic barriers in american society.
  • The Great Society

    the demand for reform helped create a new awareness of social problems, especially on matters of civil rights and the effects of poverty.
  • Spanish American War

    in 1998, the united states went to war to help cuba win its independence from spain
  • Slavery

    north and south increasingly disagreed over slavery. north and south enter a long and destructive civil war that ends slavery. the african americans briefly enjoy full civil rights, but new laws discriminate against them. The compromise also included the fugitive slave act, which allowed harsh steps to be taken against slaves who ran away. kansas-nebraska act became law in 1854. as a result, proslavery and antislavery forces began fighting for posession of kansas.
  • Economics

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    on the 22nd day of september, AD. 1862 a proclamation was issued by the president of the united states, containing among other things.
  • Native Americans

    native americans had difficulties with living and housing, they lived in small extended family groups. the children started hunting and becoming warriors at a young age. also, ypung women chose their husbands.
  • Small Farmers

    farmers struggled with money, after the civil war, the supply of money shrank. farmers had to repay their loans in more expensive dollars which hurt them.
  • Race

    chinese exclusion act; banned entry to all chinese expert students, teachers, merchandise, tourists, govern officials; laoz chinese immigration restricted indefinately; gentlemens agreements-japanese. lack of education, immigration; nativism- favortism towards native-born americans; melting pot. only fit for certain types of work depending on the categorized race. cheap labores.