Stamp Act
The stamp act was a tax that was made to tax everything the colonists. so that they would have to pay extra money that would go to the king and queen -
Boston Massacre
The Boston massacre happened because patriots attacked British soldiers. The soldiers got angry and started to kill the patriots -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston tea party was an event that the patriots did to protest the tea tax. They threw tea overboard and dressed up as Indians -
Lexington and Concord Battles
These where the first battles in the war. Concord was the first victory for the patriots. -
Bunker (Breeds) Hill
this was a battle that was extremely important and it helped the patriots sway the outcome of the war -
Common Sence
This is a book that Thomas Paine wrote -
Decleration of Independance
This is a document that was made to make sure that we as people had our independence from England -
Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge
The wintering was when the army was camping out at valley forge during the war -
Battle of Saratoga
The battle of Saratoga was in Canada -
Battle of Trenton/Preston
This battle was when George Washington was leading his men through the Delaware River -
War in the South/Charleston
This war happened in Charleston -
Battle of Yorktown
The battle of Yorktown was the very last battle of the war.