American History Timeline~ 1876-1900

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    The Market Revolution

    The Market Revolution improved the speed of transportation and also saw many innovations of new inventions that helped produced goods more efficiently.
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    Gold Rushes

    California: 1858-1849
    Colorado: 1858
    Nevada: 1859
    Idaho: 1860
    Montana: 1863
    Black Hills: 1874
  • Knights of Labor

    A union that was created to fight for better working hours and things like: an 8-hour workday, ending child labor, and better wages.
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    Red River War

    This was a military campaign that was launched mainly at the Comanche American Indians. They were trying to move and relocate the Indians.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The railroad workers had their wages cut and decided to go on strike.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    There were around 300 Lakota people that were massacred in this event. This massacre marked an end to the American Indians' resistance to the whites.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This treaty wrapped up the Spanish-American War. It was signed by representatives from both sides in Paris.
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    Spanish-American War

    The U.S. declared war on the Spanish because of the battleship, U.S.S. Maine, that exploded. The fighting happened in the locations like Cuba, Phillippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam, Asia-Pacific.
  • Gold Standard Act

    Congress passed the Gold Standard Act, which said that only gold was allowed to be exchanged for paper money. The paper money was backed by gold.