
American History Timeline 1754-1877

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    Who- British, their colonies, French
    What- The French and Indian War, gave the British lots of war debt that will raise taxes
    When- 1754-1761
    Where- North America
    Why- Wanted control over Ohio River Valley
    How- Provided Great Britain with big territorial gains in North America,led to American Revolution
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Who- British troops, colonists
    What- Boston Massacre, British troops murdered 5 colonists
    When- March 5, 1770
    Where- Boston, Massachusetts
    Why- It made the colonists work harder and become more determined to win freedom from Britain
    How- It would start the Revolutionary War
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Who- Colonists, British
    What- The Boston Tea Party, colonists protested against the British by dumping tea into the river
    When- December 16, 1773
    Where- Boston Harbor
    Why- Britain kept unfairly taxing the colonists
    How- One of the first and biggest protests against the British
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    Who- Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Hancock, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Patrick Henry and George Washington
    What- Continental Congress, they met for the first time
    When- September 5, 1774
    Where- Philadelphia, PA
    Why- Gave ideas for the gov. we have today
    How- Would later lead to the Declaration of America
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Who- John Hancock and Charles Thompson on that day
    What- Declaration of Independence, USA declaring their independence
    When- July 4, 1776
    Where- Independence Hall, PA
    Why- It was the beginning of the USA
    How- We separated from the British
  • Territorial Expansion

    Territorial Expansion
    Who- USA
    What- Territorial expansion, USA gained more territory for the first time after the they declared independence from GB
    When- October 19, 1776
    Where- USA
    Why- Important for the history of the United States
    How- 8 new states were implemented into the country
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Who- Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay
    What- Treaty of Paris, american statesmen negotiated peace treaty with GB
    Where- Paris, France
    When- September 3, 1783
    Why- France gave up territory in North America
    How- Ended the American Revolution
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Who- William Shay, 1100 soldiers
    What- Shays rebellion, protest against the gov.
    When- January 1, 1786
    Where- Massachusetts
    How- Showed how weak the central gov. was at the time
  • The First President

    The First President
    Who- George Washington
    What- First president, president was elected for the USA
    When- March 4, 1789
    Where- USA
    Why- Put USA a step in the right direction for a good country
    How- Set up a leader figure that would last for generations in the USA
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Who- USA
    What- The Louisiana Purchase, USA made the Louisiana Purchase
    When- 1803
    Where- Mid USA
    Why- Gave the USA a lot more power, due to the purchase of land
    How- Doubled the size of the USA
  • Birth Of Abraham Lincoln

    Birth Of Abraham Lincoln
    Who- Abe Lincoln
    What- Birth of Abe Lincoln, Abe Lincoln was born in Kentucky
    When- February 12, 1809
    Where- Kentucky, USA
    Why- He was the 16th president of the USA
    How- He would go on to be one of the most influential presidents ever in the USA
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Who- USA, Britain
    What- War of 1812, the British came back to reclaim the northern territory
    When- June 18, 1812
    Where- North america, Atlantic ocean, Pacific ocean
    Why- America could beat the British twice
    How- Showed that America isn't going anywhere
  • The White House Burning

    The White House Burning
    Who- Robert Ross, British troops
    What- The White House burning, Robert Ross burned down the White House
    When- August 24, 1814
    Where- Washington DC
    Why- British troops did it in retaliation for the USA attacking the city of York in Ontario
    How- Later the British strengthened their forces
  • Writing of the National Anthem

    Writing of the National Anthem
    Who- Francis Scott Key
    What- Writing of the National Anthem, FSK wrote the National Anthem
    When- September 13, 1814
    Where- Fort M'Henry
    Why- We gained pride for nation
    How- It showed how we won the battle
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Who- Northern states, Southern states
    What- Civil War begins, north and south of USA break out in war
    When- April 12, 1861
    Where- South Carolina
    Why- It ended slavery
    How- It strengthened the federal gov.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Who- Abraham Lincoln made it
    What- Emancipation Proclamation, it was signed
    When- January 1, 1863
    Where- National Archives
    Why- African Americans got some rights
    How- Ordered slaves free in USA
  • End Of Civil War

    End Of Civil War
    Who- Confederate General Smith surrendered
    What- End of Civil War, south surrendered to north
    When- April 9, 1865
    Where- Appomattox Courthouse
    Why- African Americans weren't allowed to be owned in USA anymore
    How- Ended slavery in USA
  • Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
    Who- John Wilkes Booth, Abe Lincoln
    What- Assassination of Abe Lincoln, JWB shot Abr
    When- April 14, 1865
    Where- Fords Theater
    Why- It was a very sad time
    How- First time a president had been killed
  • Invention Of The Telephone

    Invention Of The Telephone
    Who- Alexander Graham Bell, Antonio Meucci
    What- Telephone was first introduced
    When- 1876
    Where- Brantford
    How-One of the first of a span of inventions
  • End of The Reconstruction Era

    End of The Reconstruction Era
    Who- President Hayes
    What- The Reconstruction Era ended, President Hayed removed federal troops from the south
    When- May 1, 1877
    Where- USA
    Why- African Americans were getting more fair treatment
    How- South had to start treating their slaves as equals