Boston Massacre
- Red coasts fired into a crowd in the street of Boston.
Slavery Decreasing
- African American Slavery started decreasing by amounts in the north.
African American Slavery
- By the 1770's African American Slavery was decreasing in the north.
Intolerable Acts
- These were several laws that the colonists did not like, causing them to be even more angry with their government.
Tea Act
- Mohawk Indians attacked a British ship, about to import tea, and thew it into the ocean.
The Shot Heard 'Round the World
- No one knows who fired it first, but on April 19, 1775 a shot was fire near a town, which killed 8 colonists and wounded one British Soldier.
- All of this caused a fight to break out.
The American Revolution
- The American Revolution began on 1775
African American Freedom
- The King of England started promising freedom to African Americans if they helped them fight in the war. This lead to African Americans joined in the war.
Battle of Bunker Hill
- This battle was near Boston.
- Colonel William Presscot lead 1200 minute men up Bunker Hill across the river from Boston to fire upon the British ships in the harbor
Minutemen at Bunker Hill
- Colonel William Prescot took 1200 minutemen up Bunker Hill, when William Howe spotted the Americans
Battle of Bunker Hill
- Colonel William Prescott lead 1200 minute men up Bunker HIll across the river from bottom to fire upon the British ships in the harbor
Common Sense
- A pamphlet was created by Thomas Paine and it was called Common Sense
Effects of the American Revolution
- The American Revolution caused for wars in some other areas of the country like; the West, South, and even in the sea.
Contenintal Congress
- The Continental Congress voted for the 13 colonies to be independant
Decleration of Independance
- The Decleration of Independance was signed and finalized.
- Thomas Jeffeson signed this important document.
African Americans
- By 1776 there were more than half a million African Americans living in the colonies.
Lexington and Concord Battle
- North Carolina patriots defeate a loyalist army at the battle of morres. creek which is called the lexington and concord battle.
The Crisis
- Soldiers started giving up which lead Thomas Paine to write another book called THE CRISIS.
General John Burgoyine
- This General was coming up with a new plan to win a battle
American Victory of Saragota
American Victory of Saragota
- The British were very slow when they were marching through the woods, and finally the partiots surrendered them and the british surrendered.
Women in the war
- In this time period women started becoming more involved in the war and actually fighting in it.
- The british gave up on concoring the carolinas and moved to take virginia. to cutoff american trade. Bendidict Arnold one of the most senarble anerican generals is now leading brisih troops. By tend of september the british had been signed by the american and french troops of 16000 men.
Patriots Victory at Kings Ft
- The patriots had William Cambell on theirside, and the Loyalists had patrick pergeven. The patriots had a total of 1400 men, with the loyalists having a total of 1300 men. the loyalists lost 290 men and had 608 captured. the patriots had 29 killed and 58 wounded.
- In Yorktown, Virginia, the British Surrendered.
Treaty of Paris
- The Treaty of Paris was signed.
Treaty of Paris
- The Treaty of Paris was signed