We the people

American History I

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

  • 1519

    Hernando Cortez

  • 1532

    Francisco Pizzaro

    claimed new colonies for Spain
  • 1539

    Hernan de Soto

    First to discover and cross the Mississippi River
  • Period: 1565 to

    Spanish Settlement in the Americas

  • Period: to

    English Settlement in the Americas

  • Jamestown, Virginia

    founded by the Virginia Company
  • French Settlement

  • Dutch settlement

  • Roger Williams

  • Anne Hutchinson

    brought up heresy charges
  • Pequot War

    Pequot were virtually wiped put by the English
  • Period: to

    King Phillips War

    Involved the Wampanoag Indians in the Plymouth Colony
  • Causes of American Revolution

  • Boston Massacre

    A clash between British troops and townspeople in Boston
  • Lexington and Concord

    British General Thomas Gage sent 700 soldiers to destroy guns and ammunition the colonists had stored in the town of Concord, just outside of Boston.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    Thomas Jefferson
  • End of the American Revolution

    Great Britain acknowledged the US as a free nation
  • Treaty of Greenville

    established patterns for dividing and setting the NW Territory
  • Important Acts Passed under the Articles of Confederation

    Northwest Ordinance
  • US Constitution

    Delegates met to revise the Articles of Confederation but decided to create a new constitution
  • Judiciary Act

    No details for a court system in the Constitution
  • Jay's Treaty

    Intended to hurt the French, but hurt US trade
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Spain afraid of alliance between Great Britain and the US
  • Period: to

    Amendments 11-27

    Amendments added to the Constitution
  • Election

    John Adams elected
  • Convention

    Meeting between United States and France over the Quasi-Wars - conflict in the Caribbean over shipping and trade
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • Embargo Act

  • War

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    The day I was born.