American History From 1876-1900

  • The Light Bulb

    The Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison invented the first light bulb for the electric lamp.
  • President James A. Garfield Elected

    President James A. Garfield Elected
    James A. Garfield was America's 20th president, he entered the election in 1857 as a Republican.
  • President James A. Garfield Assassinated

    Shortly after James Garfield was elected president, he was shot and killed.
  • Start of the Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War was a conflict between Spain and the United States. There were many reasons why they went to war but the main reasons were, America supporting Cubans against the Spanish rule and the explosion of the U.S.S Maine battleship in Havana Harbor.
  • Spanish Fleet Destroyed

    U.S. Forces Destroy the Spanish Fleet off Santiago Bay, Cuba.
  • End of the Spanish-American War

    The war ended when the U.S. and Spain signed the Treaty of Paris, the treaty gave Cuba their independence.