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Ms. Harlan's Excellent Adventure

  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The  Louisiana Purchase
  • The Mormons Travel West

    The Mormons Travel West
  • Lincoln Becomes President

    Lincoln Becomes President
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter
  • The Burning of New Orleans

    The Burning of New Orleans
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
  • The Passing of the 13th Amendment

    The Passing of the 13th Amendment
  • Freedom Bureau Established

    Freedom Bureau Established
  • President Lincoln is Assassinated

    President Lincoln is Assassinated
  • The Passing of the 14 Amendment

    The Passing of the 14 Amendment
  • Ulysses S. Grant Becomes President

    Ulysses S. Grant Becomes President
  • The Passing of the 15th Amendment

    The Passing of the 15th Amendment
  • The Knights of Labor are Founded

    The Knights of Labor are Founded
  • The Haymarket Riot

    The Haymarket Riot
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

     The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
  • Child Labor and Minimum Wage Laws put in Place

    Child Labor and Minimum Wage Laws put in Place
  • The Passing of the 16th Amendment

    The Passing of the 16th Amendment
  • The Passing of the 17th Amendment

    The Passing of the 17th Amendment
  • The Passing of the 18th Amendment

    The Passing of the 18th Amendment
  • The Passing of the 19th Amendment

    The Passing of the 19th Amendment