
Foreign Policy in the 1920s and 1930s

  • The four power treaty

    Militarized and looking to expand territory, Japan had the potential to threaten U.S. colonial possessions in Asia and the profitable China trade. Because of the 1902 agreement between Britain and Japan. if the United States and Japan entered into a conflict Great Britain might be obligated to join Japan against the United States.
  • U.S Loans to Allied Powers

    London made this explaining the Balfur Notes, they asked for reparations and wartime debt payments from Europeans allies also for United States war debt commission to negotiate payments plans
  • The five-power treaty

    This treaty was signed by United States, Great Britain, Japan. France and Italy called for each of the countries to keep a maintain a set ratio of warship tonnage.The reason that United States and Britain required higher tonnage because those both nations maintained two - ocean navie, they were active in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, with colonial territories scattered around the world. British and Japanese bases in the Pacific but prohibited their expansion.