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Digital Timeline - American History

  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    It started in 1910 and went until 1970. Southern black head to north and west, trying to escape from the Jim Crow laws and seeking for better opportunities and jobs.
  • Wilson’s Presidency

    Wilson’s Presidency
    It lasted 8 years. People reelected him because in his first mandate he kept the US out of the War. He created the League of Nations after WWI, presided over ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, giving women the right to vote, and laws that prohibited children labour and that mandated an eight-hour workday for railroad workers.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    It started with the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. It end up in Nov. 11th, 1918.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    It was a British ship. From 2,000 people aboard, 1,195 unfortunately died, including 123 Americans.
  • First Woman elected to Congress

    First Woman elected to Congress
    Jeannette Rankin - “I may be the first woman member of Congress, but I won’t be the last.”
    She was an activist, fought for the voting rights for women, to ensure better working conditions for laborers across America, and to improve health care for women and children.
  • Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    Lenin led a Russian Revolution
    Lenin began plotting an overthrow of the Provisional Government and on November of 1917, Red Guards captured Provisional Government buildings in a bloodless coup d'état. The Bolsheviks seized power and proclaimed Soviet rule, making Lenin leader of the world's first communist state.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The USA declared war on Germany, and didn't have a good amount of soldiers volunteering. So, the Congress passed the Selective Draft Act, authorizing the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription, requiring all men between the ages of 21 to 45 to register for military service.
  • The Espionage Act

    The Espionage Act
    It is a federal law that forbids obtaining any type of information relating to the national defense with intention of using for the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.
  • The Spanish Flu (epidemic)

    The Spanish Flu (epidemic)
    Caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus, killed about 50,000,000 people around the world, not simultaneously.
  • Wilson’s 14 points

    Wilson’s 14 points
    A set of ideas with principles of peace, meant to be used for peace negotiations to end the WW1.
  • The Sedition Act

    The Sedition Act
    It curtailed the free speech rights of U.S. citizens during time of war, amended the Espionage Act.
  • Schenk vs. US

    Schenk vs. US
    Charles Schenk and Elizabeth Baer, members and leaders of the Socialist Party, send literature to recently conscripted soldiers suggesting that the draft was a form of involuntary servitude that violated the 13th Amendment. That act violated the Espionage Act of 1917, according to the Supreme Court, through actions that obstructed the “recruiting or enlistment service” during the Great War.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Women's Right to Vote
  • US rejects League of Nations membership

    US rejects League of Nations membership
    The Senate voted against, because thought it would be better for the USA to stay out of future foreigner entanglements.
  • US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

    US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles
    It was the first time the US rejected a peace treaty. They were concerned that belonging to the League would drag the USA into international disputes that were not their concern. Also, the Treaty was too harsh on Germany.
  • ★ Lygia Clark was Born

    ★ Lygia Clark was Born
    She was a painter and sculptor. Her most famous art work was "Bichos" (1960), translated "Animals".
  • ★ Modern Art Week

    ★ Modern Art Week
    It marked the beginning of modernism in Brazil, represented a true renewal of language, in the search for experimentation, in the creative freedom of breaking with the past and even with the body.
  • ★ Founding of the Brazilian Communist Party

    ★ Founding of the Brazilian Communist Party
    The national political party was founded with the main objective of promoting a proletarian revolution in Brazil that would replace capitalist society with socialist society.
  • ★ Wall Street Crash

    ★ Wall Street Crash
    Caused by the proliferation of debt, an excess of large bank loans that coudn't be liquidated, low wages and a struggling agricultural sector.
  • ★ Elza Soares was Born

    ★ Elza Soares was Born
    She was a samba Brazilian singer, one of the biggest artist of our nation. Named Singer of the Millennium along with Tina Turner. She recently died on January 20, 2022.