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American History

  • Transcontinental Railroad finished

    Transcontinental Railroad finished
    The transcontinental railroad was a railroad that went around the U.S and met back at one point. This would put the Pony express mostly out of buisness. This would also bring more cowtowns in the West where there were railroad stops, also new inventions like the sleeper-cars.
  • Civil Rights Act was passed

    Civil Rights Act was passed
    This act prohibited the discrimination in public accommodations. This meant bathrooms, theaters, and water fountains. This was a law that the south could avoid by enforciny their own laws that weren’t legal.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Battle between Custers regiment and the Natives. This battle lasted about 1 whole day and is also known as “Custers last stand.” The only survivor for the U.S. was a horse named Comanche
  • Rutherford B Hayes Elected

    Rutherford B Hayes Elected
    This event would allow the North to have their President. However, the south would have their freedom from reconstruction. This would give the South more freedom to hold their Jim Crow lwas because there were no troops to stop them.
  • Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn Bridgewas the longest suspension bridge built. There were many deaths that came along with building the Brooklyn Bridge. John Roebling is the person who designed and sponsored the bridge being built.
  • Plessy v Fergusson

    Plessy v Fergusson
    This was a court case for a black man using the whites only car. The black man was was only 1/8th black. The black man lost the case. This showed that the african americans at the time couldnt win against the Jim crow laws
  • Statue of Liberty done being built

    Statue of Liberty done being built
    This was a gift given by France. This was a gift that signified peace and friendship between France. It was gifted on the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Sinking of the Maine

    Sinking of the Maine
    The Maine was a U.S. ship that exploded on the 15th of February. The sinking of the Maine was important because it was one of the catalyst that started the Spanish American War. It was found several years later that the Spanish didn’t blow it up, but it blew up from the inside.
  • Spanish Surrender at Santiago

    Spanish Surrender at Santiago
    The U.S. forces the Spanish to surrender. This is basically the end of the war and it leads to the Protocol of Peace being signed. This would end the hostility between the two countries.
  • The Protocol of Peace is signed

    The Protocol of Peace is signed
    This Protocol of Peace made sure that hostility between the two countries was gone. This was signed after the Spanish surrendered after the war. This treaty was signed between Spain and America.
  • Wounded Kneee Massacre

    Wounded Kneee Massacre
    This Massacre was one of the last scuffles between the Natives and the American Army. This happened because the Americans told them to stop the ghost dance but they didn’t listen. Several women, children, Native men were killed or injured.