American History

By enjye
  • 1492

    Colombus "Discoveres" America

    The Columbian exchange- exchange between the new world and Europe.
    NW->Europe = peanuts, tobacco, Avocado.
    Europe->NW = Disease (small pox, malaria), pigs, hourses most important!
  • Jamestown - Virginia

    • Most settlers were men - Gentleman who wanted to make money.
    • Economy centered on cash crop (tobacco).
    • Distinct hierarchy (crop owners - slaves)
  • Plymouth - New England

    • Small undertaking of religious people (separatists) -
    Not having political agenda.
    • Mostly families.
    • Economy not centered on one thing (hunting, farming, trading...)
    • No distinct Hierarchy (religious leaders were at the "Top")
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    • France and England competing for land in North America (Ohio Valley)
    • Rivalry and tension between British and French colonialists over wealth and territory. Effects:
    *Increased colonial empire in the US
    *british had big war debt - created bitter feelings towards the colonies.
    *The colonies are united
    *bitter feelings towards the British.
  • Sugar / Currency / Quatering / Stamp acts

    Sugar act - limited ammount of export, raised tax of import.
    Currency act - colonists not allowed to issue new bills.
    Quatering act - colonists had to feed&house British soldiers.
    Stamp act - raised tax on paper goods (and tea!)
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary war

    American advantages:
    • dedicated officers and foreign leaders.
    • Familiar land – easy access to supply.
    • Highly motivated – they are fighting for a cause.
  • Declaration of Independence

    to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain.
    Enlightenments ideas: every man has God-given rights.
  • US constitution

    The constitution strengthens the federal government by:
    • Power to sign peace treaties
    • Power to declare war
    • Power to borrow money
    Check and balances:
    *The president may veto a law passed by Congress.
    * The Supreme Court may check Congress by declaring a law unconstitutional.
    * members of the Supreme Court are appointed by the president -> appointments are approved by congress.
  • Bill of rights

    Anti-Federalists – Supported weaker central government (not enough power to the states).
    Resolution – Bill of rights. constitutional protection for individual liberties, lists specific prohibitions on governmental power.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    *France and England are at war – indirectly hurt America (interrupt trading with the US, British captured America's ships)
    *America desired to take over Canada from the British.
    *Conflict with Native Americans who were supported by the British.
  • Building the American system

    West profited the most – received roads, canals and federal aids.
  • Adam–Onis treaty

    Spain sold Florida to the US
  • The Missouri Compromise

    Maine - free, Missouri - slave
    No slavery north and west of the 36-30 latitude
  • Period: to

    First wave Immigrants

    7.5M immigrants - 1/3 Irish (potato famine) 1/3 German (population growth, national emigration society).
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President James Monroe - Europe is no longer allowed to colonize America/interfere.
  • Indian removal act

    signed by president Andrew Jackson. Trail of tears (Cherokee tribe).
  • Texas annexation

    1836 - Texas declared independence from Mexico (The lone star republic).
  • Period: to

    Mexican American war

    California and the Southwest were acquired in the Mexican-American war (1846).
    President Polk sent 4000 soldiers to Rio Grande to provoke Mexico, which caused an attack by the Mexican forces that killed 11 Americans. This event started the war.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Mexico sold California and the Southwest to the US for $15M.
  • "The year that made America"

    *Potato famine *Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo *Gold discoveries
  • Compromise of 1850

    California - free state.
    D.C - no slave trades, yes slaves.
    New fugitive slave rules.
  • "The know nothing party"

    "The order of the star spangled banner" secret party that resisted immigration (protestants)
  • Chinese Imigrattion

    *hired to construct the first transcontinental railroad
    *Gold rush
    *Central and west (california - san francisco)
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The residents of the state decide if slave or no slave.
    Goal: reduce tension and to solve the slavery issue.
    Result: "Bloody Kansas" (low intensity civil war).
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Emancipation Proclamation - slaves in areas of rebellion shall be freed.
  • Lincoln elected president (Republican)

    Opposed slavery - South secede from the US when Lincoln is elected.
  • Homestead act

    Applicant given land from federal government for little or no cost
    *file application *improve land *Head of family/never fought the US
  • 13th amendment

    No slavery in the US
  • Reconstruction acts

    Readmitting Southern states into the Union.
  • 14th amendment

    citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the US” - Constitutional guarantee of the rights and security of the freed people.
  • Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

  • 15th Amendment

    The right to any US citizen to vote - protects Freed people.
  • Mississippi Plan

    A plan of the democrates to overpower the republicans in the south - by threating and intimidating people to vote democrates.
  • the Compromise of 1877

    Republican president but no troops in the south.
  • Southern countries laws

    Jim crow laws: separation facilities for black and white citizens.
    14th amendment: each state can do what it decides.
    15th amendment: unfair voting laws (had to pay, know how to read and write).
  • Chinese exclusion act

    10 years ban of immigration.
  • Hawaii annexation

    *Sugar-cane and pineapple trade with the US.
    *Treaty signed: Hawaii can sell ALL it's sugar to the US in return for
    not trading with other countries.
    *Monarchy decides: imiting influence of foreign countries in Hawaii –
    American sugar business men start a revolution.
    *Hawaii's monarchy is overthrown and replaced by provisional
  • Spanish American war

    •Cubans attempt revolution against the Spanish (The ten years war) after the war the Spanish are still in control.
    •Americans support the Cubans – feel responsible to keep peace/democracy at the southern nation and also fear for their trade with the Cubans ($100M a year at stake).
    *Fighting in Philippines Island and Cuba, Puerto Rico.
    *Rough Riders - Group led by Theodore Roosevelt charge up San Juan hill on foot.
  • Theodore Roosevelt's "Big Stick Diplomacy"

    Announces that the US has the right to interfere in Latin America affairs when Europe interferes. "National policeman"
  • Panama canal

    US help Panama to get independence from Columbia - The new Panama's government sold US the land for the Panama canal ($10M)
  • Williams Taft's "Dollar diplomacy"

    Using wealth instead of military strength for aggressive foreign policy. Lend money to Latin America and kept them in debt to the US.
  • Woodrow Wilson's "Moral deplomacy"

    Believed democracy to be the most essential aspect of a stable nation; US most promote democracy throughout the world.
  • Immigration act of 1917

    Banned certain people from entering the US (homosexuals, criminals, mental ill etc.)
  • Period: to

    Bracero Program

    Temporary guest workers program - 4.5M Mexicans.
    *Beginning of illegal immigration from Mexico.