American History

  • 9482 BCE

    First Americans Enter North America

    The first humans to ever to enter North America. They are the oldest humans remains found in North America.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands

    When Columbus landed, he killed a lot of Native Americans. He was also the first man to discover America.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown is a historic site in east Virginia. Historic Jamestown is home to the ruins of the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    The Navigation Act of 1651 was when it required all trade between England and the colonies to be carried in English or colonial vessels, resulting in the Anglo-Dutch War in 1652.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightment

    The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century,
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    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War comprised the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War of 1756–63. It pitted the colonies of British America against those of New France.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7, 1763, by King George III following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America after the end of the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War, which forbade all settlement west of a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    an act of the British Parliament in 1765 that exacted revenue from the American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents. Colonial opposition led to the act's repeal in 1766 and helped encourage the revolutionary movement against the Crown.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was when a street fight occurred with the "patriot" and British solders. Several colonists died that day and this lead the campaign by speech-writers that rouse the ire of the citizenry.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty. The colonists where disguised as Indians so they could hide their identity from the government. The colonist were protesting because of the taxes on tea and against the monopoly that was granted East Indian Company.
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    American Revoultion War

    The American Revolution War was when Great Britain and its thirteen colonies declared independence as the United States of America.
  • Declaration of Independece

    The Declaration of Independence is when the thirteen colonies wanted to declare their independence in Mother England.
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    United States Constitution Signed

    The United States Constitution Signed was when it gave America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed in Philadelphia.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a national economic policy designed to maximize the trade of a nation and, historically, to maximize the accumulation of gold and silver
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition was the first American expedition to cross what is now the known as the western portion of the United States.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was when President Thomas Jefferson made a deal with France to buy the Louisiana territory.
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    Election of 1828

    The Election of 1828 was a rematch between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. As incumbent Vice President John C. Calhoun had sided with the Jacksonians, the National Republicans led by Adams, chose Richard Rush as Adams' running mate
  • Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act was signed by Andrew Jackson to move the southern tribes west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their lands. When the Indian tribes moved west, this became the Trail of Tears.
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

    The Mexican American War was when Mexico and the United States fought over weather Texas ended in Nueces River, Mexico's side, or Rio Grande, America's side.
  • Compromise of 1850

    As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. Furthermore, California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott was a Dred Scott was an enslaved African American man in the United States who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom and that of his wife and their two daughters in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case of 1857
  • Election of 1860

    The United States Presidential Election of 1860 was the nineteenth quadrennial presidential election to select the President and Vice President of the United States.
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    American Civil War

    The American Civil War was when the North and the South fought because of slavery. The North believed that slavery was wrong, while the South thought that slavery was right.