Invention of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell launches the first bi-directional electronic transmission via his telephone. Others claim responsibility for the invention however Alexander received the first patent for this invention. This influenced America by making communication easier. -
Invention of the car
The first gasoline powered automobile was invented by Karl Benz. This influenced America by making it eaiser to travel. It also allowed Americans to move outside the city. -
The first radio was invented by Marconi in 1895. The radio influenced America by bringing entertainment and an eaiser way to communicate. -
Period: to
The Great Migration
The great migration was when African Americans moved from rural southern cities to northern industrail cities. They migrated to escape racism and for a chance at a new life. Many African Americans moved west r north into cities. -
18th Amendment
The production, sale and transport of alcohol is made illegal. This was called prohibition. Many people were aginst prohibition and drank alcohol anyway. -
19th Amendment
This amendment gave women the right to vote. Women are becoming more and more independent. Influenced America by giving women more rights. -
Emergency Quota Act
This law put limits on immigrants from Europe and didn't allow immigrants from any other country. That means only people from Northern Europe with similar cultures were able to get in. The law only allowed a certain percentage of each population and was unfair to some immigrants. -
Immigration Act of 1924
This law was passed to limit the amount of immigrants that came in to the United States. It also completely stopped Asians from immigrating to America. America tried to decrease the amount of immigrants comiing into America. -
Invention of the television
The first television demonstration was in San Francisco. The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth who was 21 at the time. The television brought visual entertainment right to your home. -
Black Thursday
11 percent of the stock market was lost at the opening bell. Wall street crashed and many banks went out of business. Sent America into the worst depression in hisorty. -
Black Tuesday
The day the New York stock excahnge crashed. Starting the great recession. The stock crashed for many reasons including credit problems, everyone tried selling their stock and banks tried to invest in stock. -
FDR elected president
FDR was elected in 1933 and stayed president until he passed away on April 12th 1945. He was president through WWII and fixed our economy. Led congress through an 100 day session that helped fix America's economy and nation. -
(State of Economy)
In 1933 job unployment was though thre roof and people were struggling to feed themselves and their families. The economy was already at dead at this point. -
21st Amendment
This amendment abolished the 18th amendment. Ending prohibition and makng purchases and sales of alcohol legal again, Helped bring back a big revenue from taxes for the government. -
Opening of Hoover dam
The hoover Damn was once known as boulder dam, The project cost 833 million. Construction begam in 1931 and was finished in 1936. -
G.I bill of rights
Soldiers are able to go to get an education for free, have low cost mortgages and low intrest loans. This law helped many soldiers do something with there lives after service. Helped America by giving more opporutunities to soldiers. -
The frisbee was invented in 1820 but the first plastic ones were invented, they could fly farther and with better accuracy. It was invented by Walter Fredrick Morrison but hed died before he could see the toy get famous. -
The first computer was created in 1958. This computer was used to transfer information. The computer helped America develop technology. -
ARPAnet delivers first message from one computer to another. Internet made it easier to communicate and helped create the internet we know today.