American History B

By 1001778
  • The car was introduced

    The car was introduced
    This event was signifacant because this was our first step in creating the most popular form of transportation.
  • The telephone was introduced

    The telephone was introduced
    This event was significant to the world because this would be our main source of communication for centuries.
  • the radio was introduced

    the radio was introduced
    This is significant because the idea of the radio has expanded and improved so much today. Music has now been made portable.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This event is significant because, the 18th ammendment was the ban of alcohol in America. Alcohol was supposed to be the reason for higher crime rates, and the govenment planned on ending alcohol in AMerica, but the 18th Amendment was not successful like they thought it would be. If anything it may have made the consumption of alcohol by americans increase.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th AMendment is significant because, women recieved the right to vote finally! After years and years of fighting for some rights women were now able to vote.Women were given more rights, and today men and women are equal to men, this may not have been if the 19th ammendment had not passed.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This is the act that changed the laws of immigration into the united states. Only 3% of america's population could immigrate from another country to America.
  • Immigration Act 1924

    Immigration Act 1924
    This is the act that changed the law from allowing 3% of america's population down to 2%. 2% of america's population is the amount of immigrants that could enter america each year.
  • television was introduced

    television was introduced
    In the year 1928 The first television was introduced. This was important, because the United States were the first to be introduced to it. At this time it was rare to own a t.v.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    This is significant because, stock holders began to sell stocks while the prices were high just a month or so before this, and on Black tuesday prices fell drastically in just a few months $40 Billion in stock was lost. The DOW went down 6% ven though 12.9 million shares were sold.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    This is significant because, stock holders began to sell stocks while the prices were high just a month or so before this, and on Black tuesday prices fell drastically in just a few months $40 Billion in stock was lost. The DOW dropped by 12% even though millions of stocks were sold.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President
    This was significant because, Franklin Roosevelt revived our country. He created the New Deal, and helped America rise once again.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st  Amendment
    The 21st Amendment is significant because, this is the ammendment that put an end to prohibition. Prohibition made the use of alcohol more dangerous, because more people were consuming alcohol just because they could break the law.
  • State of Economy in 1933

    State of Economy in 1933
    This is significant because after the crash began the Great Depression, and by 1933 the american economy had plummited. Thousands of buisnesses failed, 6,000 banks failed taking billions with them that customers invested. 13 million people were unemployed,
  • The computer was introduced

    The computer was introduced
    This was significant because the computer has turned into our only tool for a successful future.
  • GI Bill Of Rights

    GI Bill Of Rights
    This event is significant becuse, this law gave the people who served in the american military benefits. They helped pay for education, vocational training, medical treatement, unemployment, and loans to build homes.
  • Frisbee

    The frisbee was invented in the year 1957 and has become a very popular toy, ecspecially during the baby boom era.
  • The World Wide Web was introduced

    The World Wide Web was introduced
    This is significant because the internet has a huge impact on our future now. This is almost a nessecity at this point.