revolutionary war

  • aftermath of seven year war

    aftermath of seven year war
    after the war Britain was broke so they started taxing over the course of a couple of years they taxed paper imports trading between colonies which made the colonists mad sense they had fought it and lost their people in it and this is what made independence more prevalent
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    In Boston British soldiers were guarding a building and were getting pelted by snowballs with shells in them and getting hit with hammers one solder ended up getting hit and fires and cause him to fire and the others fire and ended up killing 5 people and injuring a lot more
  • Boston massacre court trial

    Boston massacre court trial
    this was not necessarily a trial for all of the soldiers but Captain Preston who had given the order to shoot but actually didn't a gun missed fired and kids were yelling to fire it was a miss understanding and it ended up as two soldiers were found guilty but the others were let go witch enraged the colonist and is what really got the independence going and the solders lawyer was john Adams (he is important)
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    the colonists decided to throw a whole bunch of tea into the harbor because the British had made it cheaper but the colonists saw it as a show of control and that the British can do what they want
  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    british went to Lexington to take the militia's weapons but the militia got word from John Adams and they moved the weapons so the British went to Concord and got attacked on the way and this was the first fight and victory of the Revolutionary War
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    this was a hill next to a river where a British blockade was and they ended up attacking them and won. well kind of although they pushed them out and killed a lot of them it came at a price they had lots of casualties
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    The Declaration of Independence was signed and this document basically said that we have the right to govern ourselves and we have freedom and are not controlled by the British
  • British attack on new york

    British attack on new york
    The British laid into New York with lots of ships then shortly left as it was just a scary tact and wanted them to give up and surrender
  • trenton

    After George Washington crossed the Delaware he marched into Trenton and ended up taking it by surprise
  • George Washington crossing the Delaware river

    George Washington crossing the Delaware river
    on Christmas of 1776, George Washington made a bold move of a surprise attack and crossed the freezing river witch the British thought who would cross the freezing river but that's exactly it no one expected it so it worked flawlessly
  • fort ticonderoga

    fort ticonderoga
    this was another fort that the British ended up capturing and was a huge victory for the British as it was a great vantage point
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    this was a huge deal this swatted an attempt that the British had made to win called the three-step plan but us winning was a huge deal we ended up beating the superior British army by sheer willpower and is considered the turning point of the war
  • germatown

    in this battle, George Washington split his army so they had to defend two directions and he ended up overwhelming and pushing back the British army
  • valley forge

    valley forge
    Valley Forge is a place where George Washington set up camp for the winter during this time they survived on very little food and the camp raged with diseases but when word of the conditions at the camp got around a lot of people decided to leave their homes to go help out and George Washington took this time to train his soldiers
  • French enters the war

    French enters the war
    after the battle of Saratoga and the colonists winning the war France a long-time enemy of Britain decided to fund the colonists to beat Britain and the French decided to officially step into the war( they were helping before this but they officially stepped in )
  • charleston falls

    charleston falls
    The British took over Charleston a fort that was a great strategic spot so this was a huge defeat for the colonists
  • king mountain

    king mountain
    an army under Cornwallis attacked a Colones army to "save patriots from the south" They ended up losing badly and backed off
  • cowspen

    Cornwallis sent another army to fight and this ended in a victory for the colonist because he overwhelmed them
  • end of the war(siege of York town)

    end of the war(siege of York town)
    after bussing back Charles Cornwallis and his army to Yorktown they sat waiting to get picked up by the British then "Huh the ship is here to get us but wait is that a French flag" Yes it was the French navy and it came to an end this war for good after Cornwall and his army saw that they gave up and surrendered
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    It was the official end to the war and Britain must recognize the colonists as America and as their own people