American History

  • 11,000 BCE

    The native americans settled down in America

  • Mar 8, 1492

    The europeans discoverd America

  • The first slaves was brought to America from Africa

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Slavery was abolished

  • The black people got the right to vote

    Althought they had the right to vote. The white made rules that made it hard for the black people to vote.
  • Segregation was legislated

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    This was a prohibitian that said that you cant seperate schools for black and white people.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks was a black lady that denied to give a white man her seat on the buss. She got arrested for this.
  • Freedom riders

    The three organisations CORE, SCLE and SNCC decided that they wanted to protest againts the law that said that the black and white should be seperated on the buss. The freeddom riders was a group of black and white people that sat on the buss from Washington DC to New Orleans to protest.
  • March on Washington

    200, 000 of black and white people gatherd to listen to diffrent speeches and protest racial injustice. One of the speecares was Martin Luther King Jr and held the famouse speach "I have a dream"
  • Bombing of Brimingaham Chruch

    4 balck girls got killed by a bomb planted on a church.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcom X fought for the black rights. He was previously minister for Nation of Islam and a supporter of black nationalism. He was killed.
  • Martin Luther King jr

    Martin Luther King jr was a black baptist minister. He was a really great speaker and he fought for the black rights. He won the Nobel Peace Price in 1964. He got killed in 1968.
  • Obama became the president of the USA

    Barack Obama became the first black president in the united states. This is really important for the civil rights movment because this shows that the black people are respected and have the same opportunities that the white people.