American History

  • 11,000 BCE

    The Native Americans settled in America

  • 1961 BCE

    Freedom Riders

    The three organisations, CORE, SCEL and SNCC decieded they wate to protest against segregaion on the bus. The freedom riders was a group of black and white people that on the bus to Washington DC to New Oreleas
  • Mar 8, 1492

    When the Europeans discovered America

  • When the first slaves were brought from Africa to America

  • Period: to

    Civil war

  • Slavery ended in United States

  • The black got the right to vote

    Although they did get the right to vote, but the white mad rules tht md it amost impossible for them to atually vote. For exemple making really hard tests for th black peple and easy tests forth wite people
  • When segregation was legislated in The US

  • Brown VS Board Of Education

    This is about a black girl that wanted to intend to a white school becase it was better and the school had better teahers. She wasnot allowed to do this wich made her fight bac
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks was a black women that sat on a wite persons seat and refused to switch seats.
  • Bombing of Birmingham Church

    4 black girls got killed by a bomb plate on a church in Birmingham
  • March on Washington

    200 000 black and white peple gathered to listen to different speeches and protest racial injusice. One of the preechers was MartIn Luther King jr. He held the now famous speah "I have a dream".
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X fought for the black rights, he also was afront figure for black muslims. He was a previously a minister of nation of islam.
  • Martin Luther King jr

    Martin Luther King was a black man, he was a baptist . He was a great speaker and he fought for the black community. He won the Nobel Peace Price in 1964. He got shot in 1968.
  • Obama became the first president in The Unted States

    Obama became the first president in The Unted States. This i arelly imorte point in th civil rights movemet because this met that the black community nowha the same opportunities asth whitepople.