American History 2 Destiny

By dj2015
  • The Jazz Age

    The Jazz Age
    F. Scott Fitzgerald called the 1920s the "Jazz Age" but it was African Americans who gave the age its unique music.
    JAZZ- A musical form based on improvisation.
    Musicians creatively recombine different forms of music including African American blues and ragtime.
  • African American Literature Flowers

    In the 1920s the term "new negro" entered the American vocabulary suggesting a break with the past.
    No longer would African Americans silently endure then old ways of exploration and discrimination.
    Harlem attracted African American novelists, essayists,poets and journalists from all over the country.
  • Red Scare

    After world war 1, America saw many new changes or transitions
    The transition from war to peace isolationist spirit was strong after WWL 1.u.s rejected the treaty of Versailles fearing involvement in the league of nations would be another entangling alliance.
    The U.S led different talks w/1921 Wash. naval conference which resulted in treaties that reduced the navies of several countries.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    B. Transition from rural to urban (51 % lived in cities)
    i. The 1920 census showed a population shift
    1. Farms changed
    2.Black migration north
    3. Land shortage
    4.Urban attractions
    5. Automobiles Impact
  • Out: Transition America

    Out: Transition America
    The transition from a cash economy to a credit economy
    i. attitude: "be young, play young ,buy now, pay later
    1. excessive advertising because big business
    2. installment buying became all the rage.
  • Migrants Face Chances And Chanllenges

    Most African American migrants to the north found a better life with wages far better then what a sharecropper earned in the south.
    African americans had a growing political voice in cities such as New York and Chicago
  • A New Black Consciousness

    As A result of world war, 1 and the great migration millions of Africans Americans relocated from the rural south to the urban north.
    This mass migration continued through the 1920s and contributed to a flowering of music and literature called Harlem renaissance.
  • Garvey Calls For Racial Pride

    Marcus garvey-the most prominent new African American leader to emerge in the 1920s.
    Promoted the idea of universal black nationalism and organized a "back to Africa movement.
    Unlikebooker T. Washington or W.E.B Dubois, Garvey did not

    call for blacks and whites to work together to improve America - instead, he argued for the separation of the races.
  • Jazz Wins Worldwide Popularity

    Jazz was more than a musical style, it was also a symbol of the roaring twenties.
    Part o the prohibition ear, played in speakeasies and nightspots in New York, Chicago, St.louis and Los Angeles.
    The cotton club one of Harlem's most famous attractions where African Americans played African American music to all-white audiences phonograph records and radio speed the influence of jazz across the country and beyond the popular.
  • Period: to

    The great depression Personal Attitude

    i. The federal government has a responsibility to help directly if need be.
    ii. ignored traditional conservative approach of:
    1 maintaining a balances budget
    2 cutting taxes & waiting for recovery
    iii. adopts the theory of economist John Maynard Keynes who suggested:
    1 increasing government spending; drficy spend if necessary