American History 1876-1900

By Benji:)
  • American Centennial

    America celebrates one hundred years sense their separation from Great Britain.
  • Rutherford B Hays elected President

    Rutherford B Hays barely defeats his opponent Samuel J. Tilden only beating him by one electoral vote.
  • Period: to

    The Great Railroad Strike

    Railroad workers across America went on strike in hopes to gain better wages from stopping the American economy.
  • James A. Garfield became president

    James A. Garfield defeats his opponent Winfield S. Hancock.
  • President Garfield died

    James A Garfield was shot by Charles J Guiteau and later succumbed to infection caused by the wound
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    America issued the Chinese Exclusion act to restrict Chinese immigrants into the country that were viewed as a threat to the American job market.
  • Grover Cleveland wins the Presidency

    Grover Cleveland barely defeats his Republican opponent James G. Blaine by only one thousand votes from New York. He was the first democratic President since James Buchanan in 1856.
  • Benjamin Harrison becomes president

    Benjamin Harrison defeats sitting President Grover Cleveland by a decently large margin.
  • Grover Cleveland retakes the Presidency

    Grover retakes the Presidency only allowing his opponent James B. Weaver 22 Electoral votes,
  • William McKinley becomes president

    William McKinley triumphs over William Jennings Bryan.