American History 1800-1876

  • Jefferson becomes president (3)

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Madison becomes president (4)

  • British War

    After attacking shipment US fought the British back.
  • Monroe becomes president (5)

  • Missouri Compromise

    Permits slaves and made Main free
  • Quincy Adams becomes president (6)

  • First public railroad

    From Baltimore to Ohio
  • Jackson becomes president (7)

  • Indian removal act

  • Van Buren becomes president (8)

  • Harrison becomes president (9) and Tyler as well (10)

  • Polk becomes president (11)

  • Period: to

    Mexican War

  • Taylor and Fillmore become president (12&13)

  • Pierce becomes president (14)

  • Buchanan becomes president (15)

  • First state secedes

    South Carolina
  • Lincoln becomes president (16)

  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Famous American war in which the South and the North battle each other because of slavery problems
  • Homestead Act

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Also Lincoln assassination and Gettysburg address
  • Grant becomes president (17)