Christopher Columbus sailed
Credited with discovering the Americas -
Hernando cortez
claimed new colonies for spain -
Francisco Pizzaro
conquered the Inca Empire in Peru -
hernan de soto
First to discover and cross the Mississippi River -
Period: 1565 to
spanish settlement in the Americas
Spanish settlers and Native Americans intermarried, creating a mixed race called mestizos. -
Period: to
English settlement in the Americas
Roanoke – 1st attempt at English settlement – “The Lost Colony” -
James town virginia
founded by the Virginia Company -
French settlement in the americas
Only Catholics allowed in the new territory, except for French protestants
Became fur traders -
Dutch settlement in the americas
Offered huge land tracts called patroonships. -
Roger Williams
banned from Massachusetts -
Annie Hutchinson
Brought up on heresy charges -
Native american resistance
Pequot were virtually wiped put by the English -
Period: to
King philips war
Indians were defeated and marked the end to Indian resistance in New England -
French built Fort Duquesne at the point where the Ohio River forms -
treaty of paris
War officially ends with Treaty of Paris -
American revolution cause
proclamation 1763 -
boston massacre
A clash between British troops and townspeople in Boston -
lexington and concord
British General Thomas Gage sent 700 soldiers to destroy guns and ammunition the colonists had stored in the town of Concord, just outside of Boston. -
decleration of independence
Proclaimed the United States of America was forevermore a free nation -
end of american revolution
Great Britain acknowledged the US as a free nation -
Land ordinance
Divided land into 36-square-mile units with Unit 16 set aside for schools -
treaty of greenville
established patterns for dividing and setting the NW Territory -
Northwest ordiance
Created guidelines for admission as states in the US -
us constitutiuion
Delegates met to revise the Articles of Confederation but decided to create a new constitution -
Judiciary act
No details for a court system in the Constitution -
textile mills
First textile mills in America were opened by Samuel Slater in Pawtucket, Rhode Island -
cotton gin
cleaned the seeds out of cotton -
Jays treaty
Western settlers were angry - the treaty allowed the British to continue in the fur trade on the American side of the US-Canadian border -
pickneys treaty
Established the northern border between Spanish Florida and the US -
Period: to
amendments 11-17
Amendments added to the Constitution//peoples rights -
Thomas Jefferson (Democratic Republican) v. John Adams (Federalist) -
interchangable parts
Introduced with muskets -
Meeting between United States and France over the Quasi-Wars - conflict in the Caribbean over shipping and trade -
Electoral college voted - Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr tied -
religious reform
Revivals led by Charles G. Finney -
Period: to
lewis and clark
The expedition led to a large migration of settlers to the Pacific Northwest - traveled via the Oregon Trail -
embargo act
US did not want to get involved with problems between Britain and France
President Jefferson declared an embargo(no trade) with Britain and France -
Steam boat
Launched the first successful steamboat service -
US and Britain returned land boundaries to where they were before the war
US won respect from other nations
US nationalism grew stronger
Federalist Party lost its credibility and disbanded
US manufacturing grew due to a lack of British manufactured goods
US became more self sufficient
Native American resistance decline -
James Madison reelected -
james monroe
elected president -
US faced widespread economic problems
Bank failures
Slump in agriculture and manufacturing -
McCulloch v. Maryland
Supreme Court (John Marshall) ruled
that Congress had the right to establish a
national bank under the Necessary and
Proper (Elastic) Clause of the Constitution -
Adams Onis Treaty
Negotiated a treaty with Spain -
Missouri Compromise
- The extension of slavery into new territories divides the North and South - conflict over state’s rights
James Monroe reelected -
Mexico gained independence from Spain - Texas part of Mexico -
Monroe Doctrine
Stated American continents were
no longer open to colonization - US would
view any attempt as an act of aggression -
Gibbons v ogden
Supreme Court (John Marshall)
ruled that only Congress had the power to
regulate interstate commerce and foreign
trade -
Adams named Henry Clay his Secretary of
State - Jackson called the election a
“corrupt bargain” -
Erie canal
Connected the Great Lakes with the Hudson River and the Atlantic Ocean -
New harmony
Share everything, live in harmony -
Tariff of Abominations
Protective tariff designed to protect
northern manufacturing from competition
from cheaper British imports -
Andrew Jackson -
indian removal act
Congress passed the Indian Removal
Act - authorized the removal of Native
Americans from the SE United State -
Stephen Austin
led a group of settlers to Texas - Mexican government led by General Santa Anna exerted control over settlers -
Nat Turners Rebellian
Caused the south to strengthen slave
codes (laws restricting activities and conduct
of slaves) -
William Lloyd Garrison
Founded The Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper -
Jackson won re-election -
Soouth Carolina
SC threatened to secede if the tariffs
were not repealed -
Worcester v. Georgia
Court ruled that the Cherokee had a right
to remain on their land and could not be
forcibly removed -
Whig Party
National Republicans changed their name to
the Whig Party -
Mechanical Reaper
Made harvesting wheat easier -
Trail of Tears
Troops sent to round up Cherokee and move
them to Oklahoma -
Sam Houstan
led the settlers into a rebellion - declared Texas independence -
Martin Van Buren elected -
The alama
Texans took Santa Anna hostage - agreed to recognize the Republic of Texas -
Martin Van Buren (Democrat) elected president over William Henry Harrison (Anti-Masonic) -
steel plow
Allowed farmers to plow and grow crops in areas out west that’s land was too dry or hard -
a national road
a network of roads connected most of the cities and towns in the US
Promoted travel -
William Henry Harrison elected -
William Henry Harrison - Whig
Won the election -
National Road
Stretched 800 miles west -
brook farm
Based on transcendentalism
Thoreau, Emerson -
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Signed in 1842 by Daniel Webster of US and Lord Ashburton of Great Britain
Established the United States’ northern border with Canada in Maine and Minnesota -
Telegraph - device that sends messages using electricity through wires-Instant communication -
Won by Democrat James K. Polk - first “dark horse” winner in US history -
President Polk approached Britain proclaiming “”54-40, or fight!” - claimed US had rightful claims to Oregon territory -
wilmot proviso
Proposed banning slavery from any land purchased from Mexico -
sewing machine
Elias Howe had the first patent on a sewing machine in the United States -
Period: to
Mexican War
Polk sent troops to Texas border to settle US-Mexico border dispute and to negotiate the purchase of California and New Mexico -
Brigham Young
Led the Mormons West to Utah for settlement -
Every man married to every woman - “free love’ -
Womens Rights movement
Stanton called for women to be given the right to vote -
Mexican cession
Mexico gave up New Mexico and California territories to the United States in exchange for payment -
California gold rush
Gold was discovered in California -
Zachary Taylor (Whig) elected President over Lewis Cass (Democrat) and Martin Van Buren (Free-Soil) -
Gold Rush
Settlers moving west in search for gold
Called ’49’ers -
compromise of 1850
California admitted as a free state
Unorganized territories declared free
Utah and New Mexico territories were to decide the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty -
compromise of 1850
Henry Clay offers a compromise to maintain balance between the free and slave states -
death of president Taylor
– President Zachary Taylor died of cholera -
Franklin Pierce -
Franklin Pierce (Democrat) elected president over Winfield Scott (Whig) and John P. Hale (Free-Soil) -
Gadson Purchase
Land purchased to run a transcontinental railroad -
Became part of the Republican Party after 1856 -
James Buchanan -
James Buchanan (Democrat) elected president over John C. Fremont (Republicans) and Millard Fillmore (Whig & American {Know-Nothings} -
comstock lode
Richest discovery of ores in history -
Lincoln wins election with no southern electoral votes -
Lincoln wins election with no southern electoral votes -
South Carolina was the first state to secede -
6 more states leave the union -
fort sumner
first battle-civil war -
bull run
first battle of bull run-civil war -
homestead act
Anyone who would agree to cultivate 160 acres of land for 5 years would receive title to that land from the federal government -
Morrill Land Grant Act
States used money from sale of land to finance agricultural colleges -
vicksburg battle
Vicksburg, Mississippi -
battle of antium
Antietam Creek, Maryland -
Fredericksburg battle
Fredericksburg, Virginia -
emancipation proclamation
freed slaves in the south/did not really work -
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant – Initially in charge of the western forces; general who assumed command of the Union army -
end of war -
Oklahoma land rush
People given land in Oklahoma to encourage settlement
Settlers came rushing from all around to claim land
Native Americans forced off the land