History 1

American History 1

  • 1492

    Early Explorers

    Christopher Columbus sailed in 1492
  • 1492

    The columbian exchange

    -Refers to a period of cultural and biological exchanges between the New and Old Worlds.
  • 1519

    Early Explorers

    Hernando Cortez
  • 1532

    Early Explorers

    Franciso pizzaro
    -claimed new colonies for spain
    -conquered the inca empire in peru
  • 1539

    Early Explorers

    Hernan de soto
    -spain- conquistador
    -Assisted Pizarro with the conquest of the Inca
    -First to discover and cross the Mississippi River
  • English settlement in the Americans

    -Roanoke – 1st attempt at English settlement – “The Lost Colony”
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    1607- founded by the Virginia company
  • Spanish settlements in the Americans

    - conquered the native Americans and established new Spain.
  • French settlement in the Americans

    -New France – along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.
    -Quebec,Montreal – Canada
    -Detroit (Michigan), New Orleans (Louisiana)
  • Dutch settlement in the americans

    - New Amsterdam-Hudson river
    new York city, Albany, long island, new jersey
  • Period: to

    puritan dissent

    Roger Williams
    - Banished from Massachusetts in 1636
    Anne Hutchinson
    -Brought up on heresy charges in 1637
  • Period: to

    Native American Resistance

    Pequot war:
    -In 1637, Pequot were virtually wiped put by the English
    King Phillip's War:
    -Involved the Wampanoag Indians in the Plymouth Colony
  • Causes

    In 1754 the French built Fort Duquesne at the point where the Ohio River forms (modern day Pittsburgh).
  • causes of american revolution

    proclamation of 1763
  • Consequences

    war officially ends with treaty of paris of 1763
  • Boston Massacre

    A clash between British troops and townspeople in Boston in 1770.
  • Lexington and Concord

    On April 18, 1775, British General Thomas Gage sent 700 soldiers to destroy guns and ammunition the colonists had stored in the town of Concord, just outside of Boston.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    Significance: Proclaimed the United States of America was forevermore a free nation
  • End of the American Revolution

    -Treaty of pairs
  • land ordinance of 1785

    congress sold tracts of land to raise money
  • northwest ordinance of 1787

    created guidelines for admission as states in the us
  • The United constitution

    1787 – Delegates met to revise the Articles of Confederation but decided to create a new constitution
  • Judiciary act of 1789

    No details for a court system in the Constitution
  • textile mills

    -First textile mills in America were opened by Samuel Slater in Pawtucket, Rhode Island in 1791
  • Eli whitney-cotton gin

    Cotton gin- 1793 - cleaned the seeds out of cotton
  • Election of 1796

    Thomas Jefferson (Democratic Republican) v. John Adams (Federalist)
  • eli whitney- interchangeable parts

    Parts of one musket could be used as parts for another musket
  • lewis and clark expedition

    The Corps of Discovery left St. Louis, Missouri on May 14, 1804
  • embargo act of 1807

    British impressments of US sailors continued, in spite of Jay’s Treaty
  • Robert Fulton- steam boat

    Launched the first successful steamboat service in 1807
  • madison elected president

    -4th President of the US
    -Democratic Republican
    -Formerly a Federalist
    -Led the nation into the
    War of 1812
  • election of 1812

    james madison reelected in 1812
  • war of 1812


    -British military aid to Native Americans on the frontier
    -British impressments of American sailors - Jay’s Treaty
    -Embargo Act - Jefferson’s alternative to war
    -War Hawks - Pushed for war with Great Britain
  • decline of the federalist party

    -US was at war with Britain (War of 1812) and had just learned of victory against the British
    -Treaty of Ghent, ending War of 1812, being signed
  • james monroe ellected president

    5th president of the US
  • mcculloch v. maryland

    Supreme Court (John Marshall) ruled that Congress had the right to establish a national bank under the Necessary and Proper (Elastic) Clause of the Constitution
  • missouri compromise

    -The extension of slavery into new territories divides the North and South - conflict over state’s rights
  • texas

    Mexico gained independence from Spain - Texas part of Mexico - 1821
  • monroe doctrine

    Stated American continents were no longer open to colonization - US would view any attempt as an act of aggression
  • Election of 1824

    -Evidence of sectional differences within the US
    -John Quincy Adams v. Andrew Jackson - both were Democratic Republicans
    -Neither candidate received a majority of electoral votes in the Electoral College
  • gibbpns v. ogden

    Supreme Court (John Marshall) ruled that only Congress had the power to regulate interstate commerce and foreign trade
  • new harmony

    share everything live in harmony
  • Tariff of abominations

    Protective tariff designed to protect northern manufacturing from competition from cheaper British imports
  • election of 1828

    andrew jackson elected president
  • indian removal act

    Congress passed the Indian Removal Act - authorized the removal of Native Americans from the SE United States
  • stephen ausin

    led a group of settlers to Texas - Mexican government led by General Santa Anna exerted control over settlers – 1830s
  • nat turner rebellion

    1831 - Caused the south to strengthen slave codes (laws restricting activities and conduct of slaves)
  • william lloyd garrison

    Founded The Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper - 1831
  • election of 1832

    pet banks a key issue of this election
  • SC nullifaction crisis

    1832 - SC threatened to secede if the tariffs were not repealed
  • worcester v. georgia

    The Cherokee appealed to the US Supreme Court
  • The whig party

    Jackson enemies felt he acted like a king - “King Andrew”
  • cyrus mccormick- mechanical reaper

    Made harvesting wheat easier
  • Trail of tears

    Troops sent to round up Cherokee and move them to Oklahoma
  • sam houston

    led the settlers into a rebellion - declared Texas independence - 1836
  • election of 1836

    Martin Van Buren (Democrat) elected president over William Henry Harrison (Anti-Masonic)
  • john deere- steel plow

    Allowed farmers to plow and grow crops in areas out west that’s land was too dry or hard
  • The National Road

    a network of roads connected most of the cities and towns in the US
  • election of 1840

    -Martin Van Buren - incumbent Democrat
    -William Henry Harrison - Whig
  • brook farm

    1841 - Based on transcendentalism
  • Webster- ashburton treaty

    -Signed in 1842 by Daniel Webster of US and Lord Ashburton of Great Britain
  • samuel F.B. Morse- telegraph

    Telegraph - device that sends messages using electricity through wires-Instant communication
  • oregon

    -President Polk approached Britain proclaiming “”54-40, or fight!” - claimed US had rightful claims to Oregon territory - 1844
  • the alamo

    -Texas requested annexation to become part of the United States
    -Texas becomes a slave state in 1845
  • wilmot proviso

    -Proposed banning slavery from any land purchased from Mexico
    -Upset the Southern states
    -Not approved
  • sewing machine

    Elias Howe had the first patent on a sewing machine in the United States in 1846
  • brigham young

    led the mormons west to utah for settlement in1847
  • oneida

    every man married to every woman- free love
  • mexican cession

    • Mexico gave up New Mexico and California territories to the United States in exchange for payment
  • election of 1848

    -Zachary Taylor (Whig) elected President over Lewis Cass (Democrat) and Martin Van Buren (Free-Soil)
  • womens rights movement

    1848 - Stanton called for women to be given the right to vote
    -first womens right convention
  • california gold rush

    gold was discovered
  • gold rush

    Gold Rush of 1849 – Settlers moving west in search for gold
  • Compromise of 1850

    acquisition of the Mexican territory, the extension of slavery once again becomes an issue
  • death of president taylor

    -July 9, 1850 – President Zachary Taylor died of cholera
    -VP Millard Fillmore became President
  • Election of 1852

    Franklin pierce(democrat) elected president over winfield scott (whig) and john p. hale (free-soil)
  • gadsden purchase

    Land purchased to run a transcontinental railroad
  • know-nothing

    -Became part of the Republican Party after 1856
  • Election of 1856

    James Buchanan (Democrat) elected president over John C. Fremont (Republicans) and Millard Fillmore (Whig & American {Know-Nothings}
  • Election of 1860

    Lincoln win election with no southern electoral votes
  • secession

    As a result of Lincoln’s victory in the Election of 1860, southern states begin to secede from the union.
  • Fort Sumter-First Shot Fired

    Union soldiers had one month of supplies remaining at Ft. Sumter, SC
  • First Battle Of Bull Run

    First battle between the Union and Confederate army
    AKA- Manassas
  • Antietam

    Antietam creek, Maryland
    Bloodiest single day of the war
  • Vicksburg

    Vicksburg, Mississippi
    Union wanted control of the Mississippi river
  • homestead act

    Anyone who would agree to cultivate 160 acres of land for 5 years would receive title to that land from the federal government
  • morrill land grant act

    States used money from sale of land to finance agricultural colleges
  • Period: to

    Fredericksburg / Chancellorville

    -Fredericksburg, Virginia
    -Dec. 1862
    -Large number of Union casualties
    -CONFEDERATE VICTORY -Chancellorsville, Virginia
    -May 1863
    -Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson killed
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    -Freed the slaves in the confederate states while preserving slavery in the border states that were still loyal to the union
  • Election of 1864

    -Lincoln in danger of not being reelected
    -Democrats nominated George McClellan – former Union general to run for president
  • Appomattox- End of the War

    -Grant surrounds Lee outside of Richmond, Virginia
    -Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House – Virginia
  • civil rights act of 1866

    congress passed with the intention of giving citizenship rights to African Americans
  • grant elected president

    Ulysses S. Grant elected in 1868
  • election of 1872

    -Ulysses S. Grant (Republican) reelected president over Horace Greeley (Democratic)
  • Election of 1876

    Compromise of 1877 settled the issue of the winner
  • Compromise of 1877

    -Democrats agreed to give Hayes the presidency
    -Hayes elected as President
    -Republicans agreed to end Reconstruction in the South
  • oklahoma land rush

    Native Americans forced off the land
  • amendments 11-27

    Amendments added to the Constitution between 1795 and 1992 to protect the rights of citizens in the United States

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