American History 1

By 545046
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Limits he power of the king. We use this document to establidh a series of checks and balances in our government.
  • Act of Toleration

    Maryland will torerate any religion. Although Catholos, was importanat, it wasnt a required religion of the colony
  • English Bill of Rights

    Created rights for english citizens ( separation of powers...etc.)
  • George Washington

    Term(s): April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797
    Political Party: Independent politician
  • John Adams

    Term: 1797 to 1801
    Political Party: Federalist Party
  • French & Indian War

    England V.s. France. France loses almost all lands in North America (Louisiana)
  • French and Indian War

    History of conflic5t betweenBritain and france. Major General James wolfe took Quebec with 9,000 men.
    Lousiana went to spanish, Britain took Cannada and all land east of the Mississippi River
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Confederacy of Native Americans under Ottawa cheif Pontiac attacked british forces at Detroit, trying to remove them from french lands.
  • Bunker Hill

    2,200 Redcoats charge up Breed's Hill to drive away 1,200 minutemen. British won, but lost over 1000 casualties. British are eventually driven from Boston.
  • Commitees of Correspondence

    First attempt by the colonies to create a government, met before the start of the Revolution. Discussed rebellion, disgust with taxation wihtout representation.
  • Saratoga Turning Point

    British surrendered 5,700 troops to General Horatio Gates. Conivnced European nations that America could win.
    France formed an alliance with America and Spain.
  • Articles of Confederaiton

    Most of the power was distributed from the Federal government to the staes. Led to many prblems.
  • Surrender Yorktown

    General Charels Cornwails was driven from the South and set up camp near Yorktown, VA with 800 troops
  • Treaty of Paris

    Britain recognized independance
    coreder at Canada and Mississippi River
    Americans had rights to Canadian fishing waters
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Established plan for surveying land west od the Appalachians
  • 3/5 Compromise

    Slave states V.s free states slaves counted as 3/5 of a person for representation.
  • Northwest Ordinant of 1787

    Created a plan for dividing land into territories and admitting new states
  • Constitution

    Restored power back to the Federal Government, but also provided rights for citizens with the Bill of Rights. Established the power of the president, supreme court, congress, the US military. Helped create equality for all people no matter gender, race or religion.
  • Federalists Papers

    Alexander Hamilton, James madison, and John Jay wrote essays supporting the Constitution that were published in newspapers. Th4y were instrumental in the ratificationn of the Constitiution.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Established the supreme as the judiciary ruler of the U,S
  • Hamilton Economic Policy

    Alexander Hamilton becomes the first secretary of the treasury of the united states. His job details included consolidating the monies used by all of the different state.
  • English Common Law

    Establishment of a supreme court that makes decisions on laws, and can use previous decisions (precedent), to make futire decisions. Allows laws tobe uniiform and fair.
  • Bill of Rights

    Based upon the Engligh Bill of Rights, protection against cruel and unusual punishment. first10 amendments to the US Constitution protects the rights of citizens.
  • alien and sedition Acts

    passed to silence criticism of the federalists, discriminated against aliens, many whom joined the republican party, forbid people from speaking bad about their governmany (violated the first amendment)
  • Thomas Jefferson Defeats John Adams

    Aaron Burr becomes VP. Peaceful transfer of power. Shows that a president from one party can loose to a canidate.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Napolean needed money to finance his war with Britain, sold territory for 15,000,000 Doubled the size of the United States
  • War of 1812

    Britain and France were at war. American trading ships and sailors were caught in the middle.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    James Monroe establidhed 2 foreign policy ideas in his speech, Non- intervention and Non- Colinization
  • Jackson Defeats Q. Adams

    Revenge is sought, Jackson creates the new Democratic party, recieves support by the poor southerners.
  • Enclosre Movement

    A push to take land that had formerly been owned in common by all members of a village
  • Wilmat Proviso 7

    No slavery in lands aquired from Mexico. Americans had success,polk plotted with Santa Anna who had been exilled to Cuba in 1845 Santa Anna double crossed him
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Ended the Mexican-American War in favor of the United States. The treaty added an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Declaration of independance for woman was made
  • Gadseden Purchase

    An agreement between the United States and Mexico. Provided the land necessary for a southern transcontinental railroad and attempted to resolve conflicts that lingered after the Mexican-American War.
  • Sumner Brooks Incident

    Abolishonist Sumner gave a speech about the evils of slavery and said pro-slavery sympathizers were from the "vomit of civilization". Southerner Preston Brooks nearly beat Sumner to death on the Senate floor.
  • First Bull Run

    30,000 conferderate troops shocked 30,000 Union troops but were'nt able to take D.C.
  • Homestead Act

    Promised 160 acres of land for cultivation
  • Morrill Land Act

    Gave ferderal land to states to fund and build agricultural colleges
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Gave union a moral crusade, convicted Britain and France to withhold support from the confederacy. encouraged blacks to enlist in Northern Armies.
  • Vicksburg

    Ulysses S. Grant bombarded the city on the Mississippi River for 6 weeks. Victory secured control of the river
  • 14th Amendment

    Granted citizenship for all persons born or naturalized in the United Stated which included former slaves recently freed
  • 15 Amendment

    Gave all men, including blacks the right to vote