Massachusetts religious law
In massachusetts, the general court approves a law the makes religious heresy punishable by death -
Rhode Islands first law
Rhode Island enacts the first law in the colonies declaring slavery illegal. -
Navigation Act
Navigation Act of 1663 requires that most imports to the colonies must be tranported via England on England ships. -
The British Navigation Act
The British Navigation Act of 1673 sets up the office of customs commissioner in the colonies to collect duties on goods that pass between plantations. -
Wool Act
The English Parliment passes the Wool Act, protecting its own wool industry by limiting wool production in Ireland and forbidding the export of wool from the American Colonies -
The British
Britian and the British colonies switced from the Julian to the greogrian calendar -
The passage of Stamp Act
Passage of the Stamp Act results in riots and the formation of the Sons of Liberty . -
The Stamp Act
On August 26, 1765, Boston colonists attacked the home of the Lieutenant Governor during riots opposing the Stamp Act. -
Townshend Acts
Passgae of the townshend acts leads to colonial nonimportation aggreements . -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston massacre results in greater support for the Patriots, who use newspapers to advance their cause. -
Parliment passes the Tea Act
Parliment passes the Tea Act, leading to the Boston Tea party in December -
The port closes of Boston
Parliment closes the port of Boston;Virginia calls for every colony to create committees of correspondence. -
The sugar act
The sugar act lowers the tax on molasses, but increases penalties for smuggling, denying a jury trial to accused smugglers. -
Tahiti was originally discovered by the royal navy it was also visited by james cook. -
Sitting Bull
Hunger and cold eventually forced sitting bull his family, and nearly 200 other sioux i his band to return to the united states from canada and surrenderon July 19th, 1881 -
Electric Clothes Iron
Henry seeley patents his "electric flatiron" on june 6,1882. Electric irons replaced the use of charcoal filled irons and flat irons (which were heated on a fire prior to use ), when the first thermostatically controlled elctric irons ( with temperture control ) appeared i the 1920's they quickly replaced the use of the more traditional irons. -
The Brooklyn Bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the united states. -
The Oxford Dictionary
The original Oxford Dictionary was a twelve volume dictionary that included all words from the mid 12th century onwards. -
The Satue Of Liberty
The statue of liberty was made in france and was funded by the french people. It was shipped in 1885 to New York and placed onto Liberty Island in New York Harbor. -
Coca Cola
John permberton begins selling his formula ( a mixture of cocaine and caffine) at jacob pharmacy in atlanta Georgia 1886. It was intially sold as a patent medicine for 5 cents a glass at soda fountains. -
Earmuffs had been invented in maine. -
Kodax Box Camera
George Eastman introduces the Kodax No 1 a simple and inexspensive box camera that brings photography to all. -
The Eiffle Tower
It was opened on March 31, 1889 and was the work of Gustave Eiffel, who was a bridge engineer. -
Black voter rights
Mississippi becomes the first state to incorporate requiring a literacy test as a qualification for voting. -
James Hogg
James was the first born native texan to serve as govenor of Texas and he took office in 1891. -
William mckinley was assassinated. -
Wright Brothers
The wright brothers make their first powered flight in the wright flyer. -
Pure food and Drug Act
Pure food and drug Act and Meat Inslection Act -
Oklahoma becomes a state -
The u.s penny is changed to the Abraham Lincoln design -
Supreme Court
Supreme Court breaks up standard oil. -
Theodore roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt shot, but not killed, while campaning for the bull moose party. -
16th Amendment
16th Amendment, establishing an income tax -
Jeannette Rankin
Jeannette Rankin first woman elcted to u.s congress -
19th Amendment
19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. -
Oil find at Spindletop