American History

  • England Defeats Spanish Armada

  • Jamestown founded

  • House of Burgesses

  • Mayflower Compact

  • Fundamental Orders

  • Dominion of New England

  • Half Way Covenant

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Penn launched his colony of Quaker, Pennsylvania

  • First Great Awakening

  • Period: to

    Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Proclamation of 1763

  • Boston Massacre

  • Intolerable Acts

  • First Continental Congress

  • Lexington and Concord

  • Second Continental Congress

  • Olive Branch Petitions

  • Common Sense-Thomas Paine

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Articles of Confederation

  • Battle of Yorktown

  • Treaty of Paris 1783

  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

  • 3/5 Compromise

  • Great Compromise

  • Period: to

    George Washington Presidency

    President #1
  • Bill of Rights

  • Cotton Gin

  • Whiskey Rebellion

  • Period: to

    John Adams Presidency

    President #2
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

  • 2nd Great Awakening

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson Presidency

    President #3
  • Marbury v. Madison

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Embargo Act of 1807

  • Period: to

    James Madison

    President #4
  • Treaty of Ghent

  • Erie Canal

  • Period: to

    James Monroe Presidency

    President #5
  • Missouri Compromise

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • Period: to

    John Q. Adams Presidency

    President #6
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson Presidency

    President #7
  • The Liberator -Newspaper

  • Alamo

  • Whigs

  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren Presidency

    President #8
  • Trail of Tears

  • Oregon Trail

  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison Presidency

    President #9
  • Period: to

    John Tyler Presidency

    President #10
  • Period: to

    James K. Polk

    President #11
  • Willmont Proviso

  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

  • Seneca Falls

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • Sutter's Mill

  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

    President #12
  • Compromise of 1850

  • Fugitive Slave Law

  • Period: to

    Millard Fillmore

    President #13
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

    President #14
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

  • Dred Scott Case

  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

    President #15
  • Election of 1860

  • Secession

  • Fort Sumter

  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    President #16
  • Battle of Antietam

  • National Banking Act

  • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Gettysburg Address

  • Appotomax Courthouse

  • Ford's Theater

  • Freedmen's Bureau

  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

    President #17
  • Reconstruction Act 1867

  • Alaska Purchase

  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant

    President #18