Average school attendance is 82 days a year
Thomas Jefferson advocates for 3 years free schooling for all children -
Average school attendance 4 months a year
Horace Mann appointed Secretary of the Board of Education
Lobbies across nation for common education for all. -
Bible Riots
People object to religious bias in schools - bias is pro-protestant and anti-catholic/jew, etc. -
Average attendance 7 months a year
Katherine Beecher founds American Women's Research Association
Trains women teachers for the frontier and provides a respectable career for women -
Massacheussettes abolishes school segregation
Sara Roberts father sues for equality in education -
Civil War ends
Period: to
African American Literacy from 5% to 70%
Period: to
3 million immigrant children enter U.S. schools
Schools are overcrowded, unhealthy, cold, and rigid in discipline and instruction -
"Seperate but Equal" Law
Plessy vs Ferguson case allows for segregation if facilities for white and black are "equal" in quality -
50% of children in school for an average 5 years.
80% of children prefer to work than go to school anyways. Progressives lobby for more school attendance. -
6% of 17 year olds graduate H.S.
Gary Plan instituted in IN
Experiment in Progressive Education based on philosophy of John Dewey -
Period: to
WWI ushers in era of patriotism, christianity, "english only" fervor in schools -
NY mayor John Mitchel implements Gary Teaching Model in 30 NY city school
Gary model teaches to student's multiple intelligences. Critics say that the model trains kids for factory work. -
L. Terman publishes Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (IQ test)
Use of Terman's test in school leads to career tracking for students and replaces "one size fits all" education of previous years -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Compulsory, free education for children till they are 16. No child labor. -
45% of 17 year old graduate H.S.
McCarthy Era and Cold War inspire a return to classic academics
60% students graduate H.S.
less than 1% of medical and law degrees received by women
average school attendance 9 years
Brown vs. Board of Education
Chief Justice Warren rules that segregation in school is not constitutional. Facilities are not equal. -
Use of military to forceably desegregate southern schools
Arkansas Governor uses National Guard to stop 9 black students from entering white school. President Eisenhower uses U.S. troops to make enforce desegregation. -
National Defense Education Act
100 million $ to schools to stimulate science, math and other classic academic subjects so American students can compete with Russian students. -
98% of blacks still in black schools
Civil Rights Act
President Johnson makes discrimination by race or ethnicity illegal for government funded programs -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
provides $4 billion for disadvantaged students -
nation-wide walkouts by hispanics from schools
75% of mexicans drop out of school by 8th grade -
Students in segregated cities are bussed to different districts to balance numbers
91% African Americans in desegregated schools
Title 9 passes
Makes discrimination based on gender illegal in federally funded programs -
Supreme Court supports Bi-lingual Education
Government gives 68 million for programs -
Disabled Children included in Schools
average school attendance 12.5 years
30% of medical or law degree received by women
85% of students graduate H.S.
Regan Declares crisis in education
500 million spent on standard testing
Choice allowed in NYC choose school
Voucher legislation passes in WI
Maryland school board kills school privitization
But schools take the money from the government and begin subcontracting for their own needs, leading to more efficient money management. -
Government gives 80 million to build new Charter schools
Homeschool legal in all 50 states